The Blue Door

I think perhaps I should have have titled this entry "Ebb and Flo". As most of you know, things constantly change in our lives and we never really know where we are headed next. What I do know right now is that at Twice Remembered, we are feeling a major budget squeeze and have had to take a break from our remodeling efforts. This makes me sad, but I also know that we'll pick it up again as things ease up a bit and when my health hopefully takes an upswing. Hubs has been doing so much domestic work around here when he comes home from work - things that I may not be able to do right now - it's little wonder that he has limited time for even what we can afford to do - like painting! An arm brace is helping me with carpal tunnel issues, and I'm still looking for ways to improve the other health issues...I don't want to be an old lady at 36! Thank you all for your continued visits despite my irregular posts. It's so nice to know that when I'm here, so are you!

I wanted to at least get the one wall shown in the photo below painted the new kitchen color before sharing the new door color with you,
but I couldn't wait! The new door color is called "Tranquility" and I got it from Lowes. I'm loving it! What do you think?

Now I need to find a few more blue dishes like the little creamer in this photo. It matches the door exactly and I'm not sure how that happened!

{Edited to add: My backsplash is a different shade of white than the beadboard...I'll be changing that in the future!}

When I can, I'm trying to keep myself busy at something creative, so work continues on my dollhouse. You will definitely be able to tell that my favorite colors are being used in the dollhouse as well.

You may recognize the little miniature island in the photo above. I'm not quite finished with it yet, but it's modeled after my own kitchen island. It even has a tin ceiling front!

I hope everyone is doing well and staying cool in this has been a hot summer so far! Until next time...!


  1. Remodeling is certainly a process, not an event. hehe I hope you feel better soon. :)

  2. I love the door- keep plugging away when you can.

  3. The new door color is fantastic! The name describes it perfectly.

    I had a problem with carpal tunnel when my kids were little. It went away but recently while sewing I have been getting pain again. I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Oh Kim I love it!! The color looks so pretty. I am sorry to hear your not feeling good and I hope you feel better soon and the economy has taken a toll on most of us, so I completely understand :)

  5. I love the new door color - just beautiful. And it is fun to see what you're doing with the dollhouse. I hope you feel better very soon.

  6. I love that color palette. Everytime I see those red cabinets against the softer colors, it makes me want to paint my cabinets yesterday. Hope things ease up for you and that your feeling better soon.

  7. The new color on your door is lovely. What I truly love is the tin ceiling tiles on your island! Woah! That just knocked my socks off. I so wanted to use tin tiles in my kitchen but it just wasn't feasible. If my kitchen were just a wee bit wider I'd have to borrow your idea. Maybe I can think of something else along those lines. Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. Oh my gosh! i thought your dollhouse pic was real at first! I was like, "What is her kitchen island doing there?" So fun!

    Miss you!

  9. Such a beautiful blue! Is that dollhouse beadboard I see? Amazing!

  10. Love the color of the door.

    Have you tried eating a slice of fresh (not canned) pineapple daily for carpal tunnel? A friend who nearly had to give up a promising career in piano due to carpal tunnel issues learned that tip from her piano teacher. The enzymes in fresh pineapple are apparently super important to the tendons and sheaths that otherwise suffer. While she used only pineapple daily with any flareups (and occasionally in between), I believe the same enzyme is also present in fresh papaya.

  11. I love the new door color! I know all about the remodeling mess...we are in the midst of it. Take care and I hope you are feeling more yourself soon.

  12. That pop of blue is SO great. Refreshing and very lovely. It looks so great!

    I'm sorry and hope you start feeling better soon. I visited my aunt who has the same problem last weekend, luckily enough she was in a good swing and enjoyed the baby at the fullest she could.

    the little island is darling! Maybe someday I'll start a dollhouse...when the kids are older!

  13. Dear Kim,

    I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well and finances are tight (You are not alone.)
    I admire the work you did on the door. You were so right about your color choice.
    The miniature kitchen island is adorable and a perfect replica that only you could create.
    I hope you are soon 'right as rain' as my Grammy used to say.

    Your Friend,

  14. Don't you just love it when you find things that are just perfect for your space! Hope you get to feeling better.

  15. I love that color blue on your door. It's perfect!


  16. Hey, Kim!

    I just turned 43, and I have been dealing with the carpal tunnel thing for about 5 years now.

    I sleep with the gel splints and every once in a while have to wear one throughout the morning.

    I have changed my lifestyle to accommodate the problem (no screwdrivers and an upright bike, etc.) and am doing pretty well without surgery, which we most definitely can't afford.

    Hang in there.

  17. Making a house a home is like life- always a rollercoaster with ups and downs. I hope you are back on the up swing soon. In your "down" time though, it seems like you have a great outlook about it and a wonderful hubby supporting you. The blue is fantastic. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  18. I am so liking the blue. I too have a lot of red accents in my home and have found that I have started to throw in some blue accessories. Very classic. Hope you feel better very soon.

  19. Love the kitchen door!! The island is amazing.....I so enjoy your posts.... hope you feel better soon. and yes..... remodeling is a process.... because of a temporary "financial crunch" I've also had to put a hold on completing our den remodel!! But.... this too shall pass and I will enjoy the when done!!!!!! Terri

  20. Hey Kim ~ What would we do without our hubbies? The work can wait...just focus on taking care of your health =)

    The door color is very pretty. I remember putting the same do-dad over our windows as you have on your door. =) It does dress things up a bit doesn't it? I do miss those windows. *sigh*

    Cute dollhouse remodeling goings-on as well. Have fun!

    Hope you can get to feeling better soon ~ take care ~ Jessica

  21. Kim, love, love the blue door!!! It turned out so pretty with the red and white. :) I have gone through carpel tunnel before and it is no fun...I hope you start feeling like yourself again soon. ;) I do understand on tight budget too...we have been doing everything here without putting anything on credit and so it is a little slower process than I would like, but we don't have the credit card bill to worry over so...I guess that is a good thing. Love the little doll have me thinking of adding a new hobby in my life. Sending hugs to you!!


  22. Thank you, dear lovelies! I'm glad you all like the door color and dollhouse work so far.

    The blue on the door is much easier to paint than the red or the brown! The door is red on the other side and it sure wasn't easy!

  23. Hey dear sis, hang in there, I know what you mean about feeling older than you are, I've been going through that since my early 20's and I'm 34 now, but I must say, for two years now I've felt alot better. Thanks to Jah, I can do more than I have since I've been sick. One day at a time.

  24. Hi Kim~

    I love LOVE the blue door! And it has me thinking...oh, dear! You see, we have the same door in our dining room/kitchen area, one I stained and David installed last fall. I was worried about dirt showing if I was to paint it, but your door looks so sweet, I'm regretting my choice! Do you think if I painted it, it would hold up all right with three very active children?

    I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I am definitely going to pray that you feel much better soon!

    Many blessings (and get well wishes!),

  25. Arlene, thank you dear sister...and I'm so glad you've been feeling better!

    Beckie, thank you so much for the pineapple tip! We love fresh pineapple and papaya - now I need to pick them up more often!

    Jessica, I remember those appliques on your window...Y0u can always put them in your new house. I think I got the idea from you!

    Jenni, I have three kids and I think painted doors hold up just fine if you use semigloss paint. Just wipe off the dirty little fingerprints with a wet cloth and you're good to go! Let me know if you decide to paint!

  26. Love the blue door, especially with the red cabinets -- perfect combination!!

    Thanks for sharing! Hope your health improves soon.

  27. Love the door color! It is so beautiful! Sure hope you are feeling better soon.

  28. love your cottage and all the colors you use! i love the blue door! i've always wanted to paint all my interior doors a color, but i have really ugly flat non-cottagy doors. so that will have to wait! i hope you get well soon! it stinks not to be well in the summer especially! just became a follower, cuz you just so darn cute and creative!
    ~Decorating Diva

  29. I love the way your door turned out, Kim. Very pretty, and cheerful!
    Hope you are feeling better.
    Beth. :)

  30. I love the aqua door. It's such a lovely contrast to the red. Jut beautiful!

  31. I LOVE your blue door!!
    It looks great in your kitchen.
    You have such a beautiful home and blog.
    I am so glad I found you today!
    Take Care,
    p.s. I hope you are feeling better!

  32. I really love the look of your island. I tried to find information on how you did it but was unsuccessful. Can you give me some information. I'm installing a peninsula with seating area on the opposite side of the cabinets and would like something different than plain wood on that side.
