Flights of Fancy and A Fun Online Yardsale

{Me...dreaming about not being responsible...}

I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all the love and heartfelt messages left for me and my family regarding the passing of our dear dog, Cara Bella. So many of you have been there yourselves or are nearing that dreaded time - and you are right - it is just unbelievably hard to part with these sweet ones that have brought us so much joy. Please know how much your comments mean to me and how I wish none of you ever had to experience this kind of loss.

On a much lighter note, here at home we've survived school shopping, the first full week of school, and three different class orientations. Can I tell you something? I dread back-to-school time! On one hand, I welcome a few hours of quiet here at home every
Wouldn't it be so nice if we could just throw responsibilities to the wind and tuck ourselves away in some quiet, magical place where life demands nothing of us but the reading of a good book followed by a nap?
day, but on the other hand, mannnnnn, I hate being on a schedule and routine is such a dirty word to me! Getting up {on time} between 5:15-5:30 am everyday, making breakfasts and lunches, shuffling groggy kids out the door {on time}, getting the three of them to two different destinations {on time}, and picking them up from two different locations {on time} never seems to end! I would never survive in the real world, would I? I know, I know - it's what responsible grownups do and I would be perfectly fine with it all if it weren't so darned scheduled and the same everyday. It is this time of year, between homework and making dinners and doing laundry and turning off that annoying alarm clock that I start to feel really flighty. No, not abandon my life as I know it kind of flighty {ok, maybe just a little}, but Wouldn't it be so nice if we could just throw responsibilities to the wind, and tuck ourselves away in some quiet, magical place where life demands nothing of us but the reading of a good book followed by a nap kind of flighty. I realize that summer break just now ended about two seconds ago, but a girl can keep dreaming, right?

Speaking of flying away to some dreamy nest, have you ever seen Sandra Foster's {My Shabby Streamside Studio} cozy little 8 X 14 Victorian cottage in the Catskills? Oh, it's so sweet, you'll want to take a bite! Here are a few tempting photos, but please visit Sandra at her blog to learn more about her tiny, charming retreat and to see more delicious photos. *sigh*

Great. I'm feeling flighty again!

But before any of us "take off", you should know that our dear Deborah at The Fairfield House is hosting a very creative link party this month - August 14th through 21st. If you love having or shopping at yard sales head over to her place for the Neverending Cyber Highway Yard Sale! This is your chance to either host your own online yard sale and link up to her party or enjoy browsing all the other participating blog sales. It was my intention to join up by having a blog sale here at Twice Remembered, but I forgot about how busy the first couple of weeks of August are for me with the dreaded going back to school activity. I might still be able to join later in the week...we will see! I know Deborah has worked really hard in pulling this together and I think it's a fabulous idea!


  1. Kim,

    I think we are the only ones up this late! I battle insomnia frequently.
    Your photograph above the post is absolutely stunning. I understand exactly how you feel about escaping the monotony of "a-dulled-hood" but I usually don't start experiencing it until autumn arrives. I am learning that everyone is on a different school schedule across the country. Here children don't return until after Labor Day. I too have been swooning over The Shabby Streamside Studio and using it as inspiration for my own. Thank you for the shout out for the Never Ending Cyber Highway Yard Sale! The linky party will remain open all week so hopefully you will be able to participate. I will be posting new items to sell throughout the week so make sure you check back often. How is Ruby?

    Your Friend,

  2. That little cottage is so deliciously sweet. I'm on my way over to check out her blog right now.

  3. Wow - your school year starts so early. Here in NC there is still another week of summer. My oldest is still in preschool which is so nice. I live in fear of "real school." Going 9-1 two or three days a week is perfection. I have a little time to myself (or alone with baby brother anyway) and we have enough of a schedule to keep us in line. I shutter when I think about a bus coming @ 6:30 every day. And homework. I really can't even imagine. So I'm trying not to think about it ... :)

    So sorry about your dear dog. Ours is 14 and she is really showing her age these days. It is heartbreaking!

  4. Hi Kim.
    I know exactly what you mean about going back to school. I love the peace and quiet at the house, but I too hate the schedule and routine of getting the kids off to school in the morning. And this year, I have a Kindergartner that I am going to have to pick up at 10:30. And my older kids get out of school at different times of the day. It can get kind of chaotic. Our kids go back to school in two weeks, and I am so ready, but so not ready at the same time. :)
    That picture of you at the top of your post is bee-u-tiful. Love it!

  5. I am feeling you with dreading the schedule! I'm ready for the peace and quiet when they are at school, but I loathe schedules. ICK! I hate early mornings and packing lunches. I hate sitting in three different school lines twice a day for a cumulative total of about 13 hours a day. Okay, it's more like 2 hours a day, but it feels like 13.

    Love that Victorian studio. It's GORGEOUS! Oh, the books I could read and the naps I could take in that little place.

  6. Dear Kim,
    I've just started reading your lovely blog. It's like candy. Can't stop! :-)

    I love a makeover and this is marvelous. Thank you for all the photos.

    Gentle hugs...

  7. Una casiat con encanto
    Un abrazo

  8. Just found your blog! So sorry to hear about Cara Bella.My precious little Violet died at my feet a few weeks ago, and I've had to have two other dogs and two cats put to sleep. I know how difficult that is. The loss of our precious furry family members is always heart-breaking. Do you know about Rainbow Bridge? If not, you can google it. I think it would give you comfort.

  9. I just found your blog and I love it! I will be back to read more of your post! The yard sale sounds wonderful,sorry i missed it. Hope there is another one.

  10. I myself have a love-hate relationship with the start of school. Part of me is so glad to get back to having the house to myself for awhile every day. . . and part of me rebels at the very thought of someone or something else telling us what when have to do and when we have to do it! Oh, the tyranny of the alarm clock! I hear you.

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