About Kim and The Twice Remembered Cottage

I have been wanting to make an About page for Twice Remembered for a very long time now. But it seems that every time I'd sit down to write it out, I'd just draw a blank after writing Welcome to the The Twice Remembered Cottage. Why is this so hard? I've been blessed, though, with many new readers this month and I suddenly thought this would be a perfect time to sit down and try to work on the page. And by suddenly, I mean I was in the middle of sorting out my craft supplies and thought "Hey, I really need to write that About page...right this very minute!" So I sat down and typed until it was finished. Funny how things work that way. You can find it here at it's permanent spot on my blog, or you can just read the contents below if you're not up to jumping around all willy nilly right now. First, let me say that I do sincerely welcome all the new readers and I also greatly treasure those of you who have been visiting me here for a very long time, some since the beginning! Thank you all!

Welcome to The Twice Remembered Cottage. My name is Kim but my ultra cool secret creative name is Twila, which is taken in part from my internet username of the the past ten years.  Some days I wake up Kim and just want to laze around in my pajamas all day, and some days I wake up Twila and am compelled to dive into thirty creative projects at once. Hubs refuses to call me anything but by my real name.  And I haven't even told him about my ultra cool secret creative last name yet!

Twice Remembered - our home - has been a labor of love, sweat, and tears for my husband and me for the last few years as we work
It is ultimately through creativity, hard work, and patience that goals, both mine and yours, are met, for there are no short supplies of these.
to transform it into the charming, unique, and old-fashioned cottage I've pictured for so long in my mind.  We live in a tumble-down neighborhood, on a tumble-down street, in a tumble-down house that seems to be falling apart faster than our time and budget allow us to work on it but we are determined that none of these will prevent our "sweet little cottage dreams" from taking flight. Time and money, for most of us, are rare luxuries. It  is my philosophy, though, that there is potential in everything and it is ultimately through creativity, hard work, and patience that goals, both mine and yours, are met, for there are no short supplies of these {though patience does seem to run out from time to time!}.

Twice Remembered - the blog - has been my place to record random projects and goings-on here at our cottage in the making.  As you'll see, there is hardly any rhyme or reason to much of what I post here because we kind of move around with our projects according to what we have the time and money to work on.  So needless to say, we have a few rooms going at once, which I do not necessarily ever recommend.  When we're not working on remodeling projects, I'm usually in the middle of something else whether it be baking, crafting, smaller DIY makeover projects, learning to sew and draw, cupcake decorating, reading, trying to keep my garden alive and the grass from growing too tall, hanging with the kids, or attempting to unearth our dining room table and other surfaces buried under the "creative clutter"  that tends to accumulate. A neat freak I am not. Some other kind of freak, highly likely.

"How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live."-Henry David Thoreau

You may notice that I often blog the way I live my life - by inspiration.  Most days, I never really know what I'll be up to and I've found that for me, it is so much more "authentic" to just let life unfold, and then blog as I'm inspired to write.  For me personally, schedules and deadlines and high expectations {though completely proper and necessary in many areas of life} squash my spirit when it comes to my blog, so one of my other philosophies is to Live freely. Blog freely. Sometimes I take breaks where I don't even think about blogging - some short breaks, some long. Other times, I may very well write too often because the words and ideas just flow and naturally end up on my blog. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my blog is pretty random, and I hope you're ok with that. :)

Thank you so much for coming along with us on this cottage transformation journey - and all the little pit stops along the way!

The 4th Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway list officially closes to new giveaways tonight {May 28th) at midnight! Tomorrow, Saturday May 29th, I, along with all the other 68 giveaway hostesses, will be posting the winners of our giveaways on our blogs!

If you haven't done so already, please put your name in the hat to win my giveaway...it's not too late yet to enter! Be sure to come back tomorrow to see if you won!

Finally, check out and enter all the other giveaways by clicking on the banner below!


  1. I am glad you took the time to write about you. I have been reading your posts and joined your "Cottage Charm Giveaway". That has been great fun for me and I have met many new people while blog hopping. Thanks for sharing about you and I do enjoy visiting your blog.

  2. Thanks for writing your about me! It's been great reading your blog. I found you from your big giveaway you are hosting which is such fun. I'm a no rhyme or reason blogger myself so I love it.

  3. Kim or...Twila, ;) I loved this about you! I always feel you are a kindred spirit of mine. I relate to your life with my life in so many ways. We are living parallel lives I tell you! lol I love visiting you and seeing what you are up too. So creative and amazing...that is why I read your blog faithfully! Thanks for sharing this with us all and have a wonderful weekend!!

    Hugs friend,

  4. I love this. It really gives us a look at the who and why of your blog. So glad you have shared this with us!

  5. What a great way to live! I wish I was more of a no rhyme or reason person, I think that would be a wonderful way to live, I found your website through the cottage giveaway, and I love it!


  6. I love this Twila! ; ) (I say you can be called whatever you want!)

    You are wonderful! & I love your blog!

  7. Kim,

    I enjoyed reading this post about you as much as I enjoy reading about your renovations, cake decorating, crafts and projects going on at Twice Remembered Cottage. You always inspire me and make me feel like I am in the company of an old friend. I too, as you well know, post only when I feel as though I have something worth saying.


  8. Your "About" write up is just wonderful. I am one of your long time readers so I already feel I know a good bit about you and still I loved reading this post. One part that I especially connected with was the bit about living and blogging freely. I feel the exact same way, but you put it into words so well. I'm going to add this to my collection of quotes to remind myself to flow freely.

  9. "Live freely. Blog freely." Wonderful motto.

    Memorial Day Weekend, may it be well with you.

  10. This was one of the nicest "about me" pages I have ever read. I love your philosophies and am glad you stopped what you were doing to sit down and write. I'm a better blogger for it : )

  11. I love your blog and you have some awesome ideas! It's nice to know more about you.

  12. This is so wonderfully organized and inspiring. Maybe someday I'll be able to write an About page. The Cottage Charm Giveaway has been such a great contest (maybe I'll get up the nerve to enter it next year). Among other things, I occasionally write about home decor, one of the latest being about how to incorporate genealogy into decorating. We had so many old family photos and even antique eyeglases that I felt I had to do something with all of that rather than keep them safely packed away.

  13. Thanks for sharing about you and I do enjoy visiting your blog.
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