Blog Love - Dreamy Whites

I want to know...How do I make my house look like Maria's? Maria of Dreamy Whites, that is. If you've never visited her beautiful blog before, now is the time to make yourself a cup of tea and settle into a cozy spot for a few hours of delightful reading and eye candy!

Sometimes my own house seems so dark and not very fresh, and I'm dying to make it look and feel radiantly bright without making it feel sterile. Maria has figured how to do that and I just love her style!

Ahhhh...there is that blue that I love so much. Lately I've been second guessing my decision to introduce this color to my own home, but when I see photos like this of Maria's blue cupboard, I fall in love with it all over again!

See her use of pink in the peonies and green in the chairs {and the green in the first bedroom photo}? Soft pops of color like this is what make her mostly white home work...

And oh my goodness! This is her daughter's bedroom! Can you believe she found those beds for just $100 for both of them together? My girls don't have headboards yet because I'm just waiting to find a pair of gorgeous beds like these!

A charming mantel vignette... I love how the flowers here look just like the flower pillows in the photo above.

And a different mantel vignette using more green. Her entire living room lives up to her blog name - DREAMY!

I've been worried about how softer colors might look with my red cabinets, but Maria successfully uses both colors in her home. Check out the red in the french linen table runner - and the red used in the toss pillows on the bed {again in the first photo}.

And another thing that I learned while reading Maria's blog? She lives in a newer triple wide modular home. That just goes to show you that you don't have to live in a hundred year old farm house to make it look like you do! So enjoy your visit with Maria at Dreamy Whites...I know I did!

This Saturday I had the privilege of spending the afternoon with Layla of The Lettered Cottage and Rhoda of Southern Hospitality! We went junking at the the Nashville Flea Market and what fun! My camera battery died very early in the day and I didn't get tons of photos, but I'll share them with you soon. In the meantime, check out Layla's flea market post as well as and Rhoda's! {P.S. Wow, that peasant top and skirt I wore on Saturday added about 15 pounds! I hate how some outfits look better in the mirror than in reality, lol! Ah, but I think I would have worn a feedbag just to have an opportunity to hang out with those two creative gals!}


  1. Buckets of white paint; Swedish and American antiques; lots of soft pastels; sparkly lighting fixtures, and a little bit of whimsy.
    Her home is very beautiful, isn't it? Can't wait to see how you start incorporating some of the elements of her home into your own.
    Hope you have a great week! :)

  2. The old door headboard in the first photo is incredible. I wish I could come up with ideas like that!

  3. Kim,

    I think I need to plan a road trip down south. You, Layla and Rhoda are all to blame for my blogging. I mean, you inspired me! You look beautiful in these photographs. I can't believe how quickly your hair grew! You were standing alongside the red letters T and R in one photo. Did you purchase them?

    As for dreamy whites, heavenly. I am loving my white walls and softer palette of accent pieces.

    Your Friend,

  4. LOVE the Pearl S. Buck quote on your sidebar. :) Beautiful images...enjoyed visiting your lovely blog!

  5. Dear Kim,
    Oh my goodness, this is so crazy... I just found you through Layla's post....I want to go to the flea market with you girls... That looks like a great flea market!!!

    Thank you so much for posting such a nice story about my house!!! You are too sweet. Thank you for making my day today!
    I hope you are having a great Monday!
    Take Care,

  6. I'm with you! I love the whites with a splash of color now and then in Maria's home. I didn't know she was in a modular home. There's hope for those of us in tract homes!

  7. hi kim, i just found you through Layla's blog and of course had to come say hi to a fellow Tennessean! i live in Franklin and just love it (except for this Hot summer, sheesh!) i love Dreamy Whites style and all the white and light goodness. anyway, glad to meet you and follow you now.

  8. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron

  9. I live about an hour from Nashville and got to the Nashville Flea Market often. I love it and certainly hope they don't close it. How unfortunate and sad that would be. Glad you and the girls had fun on your shopping trip.

  10. Been missing your posts, so was glad to see you pop up on Rhoda and Layla's blogs :)

    I love Maria's home too, but I don't think I could live in that much white. If I had like a sweet little beach house somewhere, I'd definitely do all whites and pastels, but for everyday, I need more your red cabinets for instance :)

    (And I thought you looked cute as a button in the pictures!)

  11. I do love Maria's dreamy whites blog and home...beautiful inspiration. I loved seeing you, Layla and Rhoda all together with your adventurous flea market trip...envious you have so many good ones close. :) You look beautiful friend...hope all is well!


  12. Thank you for your comments, ladies! Just love Maria's house! Deborah, yes, you do need to come down! No, I didn't buy those letters, but they sure were neat!

    Maria, you have such great style and taste - thank you for inspiring us!

    Welcome to those of you who found my blog through Layla or Rhoda's's so nice to "meet" you! {And aw, shucks, thanks for the compliments on the pictures of me from the flea all are sweet. :) }

  13. You have it in you...You talented girl you...:) Hi, Im Meme from Screaming Meme...I want to personall invite to my blog to take a peek of a room I am designing...Serene and beautiful, let me know your thoughts...Meme

  14. Dreamy Whites is a lot of fun! I enjoy your sharing and do hope you had a great time shopping with the "girls".

    Maybe next time we can see if I can hook up with y'all since I am near Winston-Salem, NC. Not too far off the beaten path.

    My prayers are with you and your family.

    Always, Teresa

  15. Hey, Kim, I'm so late in getting by to tell you how much fun I had with YOU too! Your blog was one of the first I found early on & it's been so much fun to connect with you. Love your style and all you've accomplished at your house.

    Maria's home is just divine!


    And, I agree, Maria really knows how to rock the house!

    Layla :-)

  17. Maria has such a beautiful home and a beautiful soul to top it off! Have a wonderful day!

  18. Hi Kim! I'm your newest happy follower - and I'm just loving your blog. I found you through Maria's blog. :) And here I am reading about Maria on your blog! lol! I adore that girl as well as her style. She's sweet and kind and oh so talented. She continues to inspire me each time she posts. Thanks for posting about her. She deserves alot of credit! Looking forward to future posts from you, too! :)

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  19. Beautiful...she knows just how make her rooms so serene and comfortable, and those little touches of color are perfect!

  20. I adore this house but I have to ask the question: Does anyone actually live there?!
    My daughter's room would look like that if she never came home!!
