"She always knew..."

On my mantel now...my ZoZo added the glittered letters for a little whimsical sparkle

You live like this, sheltered, in a delicate world, and you believe you are living. Then you read a book… or you take a trip… and you discover that you are not living, that you are hibernating. The symptoms of hibernating are easily detectable: first, restlessness. The second symptom (when hibernating becomes dangerous and might degenerate into death): absence of pleasure. That is all. It appears like an innocuous illness. Monotony, boredom, death. Millions live like this (or die like this) without knowing it. They work in offices. They drive a car. They picnic with their families. They raise children. And then some shock treatment takes place, a person, a book, a song, and it awakens them and saves them from death. Some never awaken. — Anaïs Nin

Hello, dear readers. Wow... I'm really not sure what one says after a three month blogging break. I think I'd like to first thank *all* of you that have left comments and sent emails concerning my prolonged absence. I've read every one of them and have been deeply touched. I have been in many ways without words...which I suppose, explains both my lack of blog entries and my lack of response to your kind notes. I hope that you have overlooked this and not mistaken it for apathy. Thank you so much for your caring concern.

I guess maybe I don't have a definitive explanation as to why I've taken such a long break other than the fact that {and maybe you are this way, too} I live by inspiration and my inspiration hasn't in the last few months led me back to blogging
I would bring back with me more of my own authentic self, honesty, personality, and interests ...
about the house. I don't know... I guess that doesn't make me a professional or serious blogger. We have been working on the house when we can and I've continued to take photos because I knew I'd be back, but I think maybe I just needed to get away from the idea that my blog should be mostly about our cottage transformation. Somewhere along the line, I had forgotten that just because I have a blog about taking a broken down little house and turning it into a cottage, it didn't mean I shouldn't be exploring my other non-related interests more fully. I realized, as Anaïs Nin said, that I had been hibernating in the dark. I needed to break away to do creative and interesting things outside the remodel - to learn how to wake up and fly the way I always knew I could...

I haven't sketched in nearly 20 years...

And I decided that when I returned, I would bring back with me more of my own authentic self, honesty, personality, and interests - things that I hope interest and inspire you as well {along with our cottage transformation progress!}. I appreciate all of you and thank you very much for being such loyal readers. It will always amaze me that you are here. I'm honored that you choose to spend a portion of your time with me...I am truly grateful and blessed.

On an even more personal note, I discovered in October that I have gluten sensitivities. This explains so much! So for the last three months I have restricted my gluten intake severely... I avoid it except for maybe once a week {because if I try a new recipe for the family, I'm gonna have to sample it!} I've also cut nearly all sugar out my diet except for a once a week treat. Both sugar and gluten are major causes of pain flair ups with those who have chronic pain issues, which in my case has been fibromyalgia for the last 13 years. I'm happy to report that since October, I've only had one or two days that I've dealt with just some mild fibro pain. Folks - this is HUGE, especially for the winter months when I'm normally in pain 75% of the time. I no longer need daily naps and I have energy like I haven't had in over a decade. I still have occasional bouts of fatigue when rain moves in, but I'm pretty much symptom free otherwise. My overall outlook has improved as well. Did you know that gluten can cause negative psychological symptoms in those that are sensitive to it? I didn't know this, but when I realized that my outlook had greatly improved after a couple of months of being off gluten, I did some research and discovered this...It has just been amazing, the changes both physically and otherwise. I've also lost 20 pounds {and feel like going to the gym and out dancing!} plus I got a haircut...

I hope all of you have a wonderful and WARM day today. Here in Tennessee we are covered with a nice blanket of snow. It's beautiful - just like you.

{I'm off to work some more on my miniature/dollhouse patisserie hardwood flooring. Getting ready to stain!}


  1. Well I am so glad you are doing so good, woohoo for the 20 pounds!! That always seems to make me feel better to and it also makes you focus on yourself a little more and not so much on the decorating, in my case anyways (; I do hope you will show pic's of your home though, it gives me so much inspiration, I love the work you do!! So good to hear from you.

  2. Kim, I have missed you and so happy to see you back!! I can relate to needing to feel inspired...I over the last year have felt this many times and finally feel like my creative mojo is back! ;) I am sorry you have been having to go through this and glad you have found some of the solution! I know first hand how hard it can be when your dealing with health issues and not feeling like yourself...it can be such a trial. Of course we are all still here! :) Loving your sketch and your new beautiful hair!! So pretty! How funny that your working on a dollhouse room...the patisserie....I just made a french sign with that exact word. Can't wait to see what you have been up to! Welcome back friend, ready for a New Year!!!

    Hugs and love,

  3. Kim,

    I am so happy to read it was a retreat to self and not illness that made you step back. We all need that from time to time (I just took a month off from blogging.) It's amazing how much one can change when they become conscious of what they are eating. I eat whole foods and no sugar. Sugar may be sweet but it's toxic to the body. You look as wonderful as you feel. Keep flying. Keep INSPIRING your soul.

    Your Friend,

  4. Kim,
    So glad to hear you are feeling better! I know several people with Gluten sensitivities, and it is a major life adjustment. I am glad you are finding new found strength in the knowledge, and the ability to control how it effects your life! I love your new haircut. We are snowed under here too!! Just posted a few pictures. While it is pretty, it has brought everything here to a standstill.

  5. Hi Kim,
    I'm glad you are feeling better now that you know about the gluten sensitivity. Have you seen this blog: http://crockpot365.blogspot.com/
    I believe all her recipes are gluten free.
    Your haircut looks great too.

  6. Welcome back!
    I look forward to your words and your inspiration

  7. How great to read about coming out of hibernation. You're right, we can easily do that without realizing it. I'm an artist, and it's always wonderful when we make space (psychological or physical) to make art. I need to remind myself of that.

  8. so glad you're back!!so happy that you're feeling better and i look forward to checking in on your blog!! it's just beautiful!

  9. I have been a quiet and faithful follower of your blog for some time now and so glad to see you back posting.

    Wow.... 20 lbs of weight loss just by being good to your body. If I said I don't eat a lot of sugars and took an actual account, I might be surprised. I could learn by your example.

    I've recently stumbled upon a recipe for making beet kvass, a wonderful detoxifier for the liver. Interestingly, I've noticed some weight loss from my menopausal waistline. My liver thanks me, too. If you don't like beets, you have to warm up to the taste. I crave the stuff... just love it.

    Loving the new hairstyle, by the way.

  10. So glad to see you back, and thrilled that you have figured out a solution to your health problems!

    I have hypothyroidism, and have been treated for it for over a year and several symptoms are gone, but the fatigue is still there. I wonder if I should have them test me for the gluten sensitivity? But I don't have any digestive issues, soo...

    anyway, glad to see you again!


  11. Glad to hear you're doing well. We've missed you! Hope to see you again soon.

  12. SO happy to hear about the pain getting better!! That is wonderful! I could never be a professsional blogger....I get writers block, I am at times uninspired (like right now as I haven't even cracked open the decor books I got for xmas). Inspiration will come back though! Hope to see some more pics of your home soon. :)

  13. I was so excited to see a new post from you. Welcome back! Your haircut is so cute! I'm glad you are going to be blogging again and even expanding what you blog about. Glad you're feeling better too!

  14. Welcome back Kim! I am so glad you discovered your gluten sensitivity. I have that too and my life has been so much better since I am off gluten. It's an awful way to live like I was before. Have fun spending time with your family and yourself!

  15. So happy to hear an update, and glad that you are feeling much better. I know what you mean about being uninspired to blog sometimes. I've been struggling with that lately. I work full time from home, although I have good hours, and I won't give up family time and relaxation. I have a lot of unfinished projects that normally I would just chug along with, but I put pressure on myself to finish so I can post about it. This in turn is counter productive, because then I feel overwhelmed and don't work on stuff. Anyways, glad to hear from you!

  16. It is wonderful to have you back again. Happy New Year!

  17. How fantastic that you lost 20lbs by just adjusting your diet. And that it eliminated so much discomfort for you is even more important. You hair is adorable. :)

  18. Thanks you, dear ones! Your comments are so sweet...It's encouraging to hear from others who have experienced similar things both with blogging and diet. It's always nice when a few changes can get us on the right track again! {{{hugs}}}

  19. oops... make that "thank" you - not thanks you! ugh! :)

  20. Kim ~ it's so nice to see that you flew back to us! We've missed you, girly! :) And congrats on the weight loss and new diet and new ideas! We're all looking forward to catching up with you. :)

    xoxo laurie

  21. This is a truly great post Kim. I can relate to so many of the same feelings. You've voiced them so eloquently. I love the reference passage you've used. I'm definitely printing this one for a front and center location on my bathroom mirror.

    I am gluten intolerant as well, so even there, I understand your challenges. You really do have to relearn how to eat. Where you seem to have commmited to the change fully, I still ride the fence of conveinience. You've inspired me to look at my circumstances differently though - especially with that 20 pound weight loss! Kudos to you!! You must feel great with a cherry on top!

    And, this is your blog. You blog about whatever you feel you want to share with us. We're all human, and we all need an outlet to express our thoughts. Besides, you write so beautifully, I'm sure we'd all read your interpretation of the dictionary with excitement.

    Glad you're back!

  22. How exciting to see a post from you today! I also have gone gluten free for the same reasons...I'm 100% GF since November and can't BELIEVE the difference in lack of pain from nasty fibro!

    take care of yourself, and when you feel inspired, go for it! We're here to read when you're here to share!

  23. I even checked facebook for you :) So glad that you are back and happier. I only follow blogs that really mean something to me...and yours is one of them. I am really looking forward to the changes too. I love when we can get past the pretty, decorated houses and into what really matters. But pretty, decorated houses are still a lot of fun :)

  24. Glad you're back! Congratulations on discovering your gluten sensitivity, I had no idea that gluten could have such an effect! Very glad you're feeling good and back with us!

  25. Kim,I've been worried about you and now I can take a deep breath and know you are ok. I'm so glad you've found ways to control the fibromyalgia.
    I'm so glad you are back, dear sister.

  26. Dear Kim, I have checked on you so many times... I have been praying for you ... that you and yours were ok....I was so extremely excited to see your email pop up this morning. THANK YOU for coming back and for sharing your life with US. Twice Remembered Cottage and Daisy Cottage were the first two blogs that I ever visited and that was just last year!!! :) While I do not know you personally ...I missed you and Twice Remembered Cottage MUCH!!! SO SO GLAD YOU ARE BETTER, Terri

  27. It's always so good to hear from you! I'm glad your feeling much better these days.
    ☺ Celeste

  28. Aw, thank you so much, friends... I appreciate the thoughts and prayers. It's so good to see YOU again, too!

  29. I've been trying to eliminate gluten from my diet as well. I was doing really well and feeling much better, until I recently had a bad weekend of eating whatever I wanted. Boy, the pain and the mood came crashing back. So, back to restricting gluten I go. Glad to hear you are feeling so much better. I hope you can continue to keep it up!

  30. Hey Sis, it sounded like you were blogging about my life! I have fibro for I'd say about the same time as yours and a year ago I discovered Gluten/Wheat Sensitivity among all other things. My Fibro has been under control, my stomach has its moments. But things are better and I can do more, so hang in there. I've got great gluten/wheat free recipes too!

  31. I am glad to see you back and can't wait to see what you share with us readers. Being true to you is what it is about and I am looking forward to seeing a glimpse into some of your other interests.
