A Farmhouse Dream Come True

Many years ago when we were first looking for a home to buy, my dream was to purchase an old farmhouse. That didn't work out, but I still get completely twitterpated at the very mention of the word "farmhouse". So what's a girl to do? Well, I'm so excited to tell you that I am now the proud owner of this very old and neglected large farmhouse style dollhouse! I'm in love! It truly is like an old abandoned farmhouse that just needs some tlc and a good dose of cottage style.

Just what I need, right? Another house to remodel! The best part? This big house only cost me $25! Gotta love Craigslist!

"But Kim", you say..."Didn't you order this other dollhouse kit a few weeks ago?"

You are correct. I did. But the company I ordered it from was out of stock and I ended up canceling the order. I had that house in mind for a miniature bakery I'm dying to build. Instead, I found this kit called The Storybook Cottage by Greenleaf, ordered it, and now it's just waiting for me to figure out how to put it together. Isn't it adorable? It will make a perfect bakery!

But my girls and I also wanted a house. A full sized miniature house with a few rooms to decorate in my beloved cottage style. Being the instant gratification girl that I am - and being that we are in the middle of a long, drawn out real life house remodel, I decided that I didn't want to build a big house myself. A pre-assembled old fixer is the direction I want to take for this one...that way I can jump right into the fun stuff like plastering the walls, painting, adding moulding and beadboard, installing pretty flooring and ceilings...Oh, the possibilities!

We've been really busy around lately and my computer time has been limited, so I've been flying under the radar lately in blogland and emailworld. We are still working on the studio. I said before that I wouldn't make anymore deadlines for the studio. I did anyway - hoping to be finished by now, but we couldn't have predicted some
Oh, the possibilities
family issues that recently came up {and may be an ongoing thing for a while}, nor did we realize how this room would continue to drain our budget as it has. It does keep looking better and better - it is getting there, but as with a lot of other projects in the house, it's still a work in progress at the moment. I realize that if I wouldn't have made the decision a few months back after the room was painted the first time to add beadboard and farmhouse style door and window mouldings, we'd be finished, but for me anyway, it was worth it. I go in there daily and just dream about it finally being finished and even ask hubs if it ever will be...and he promises me that it will. I sure hope so! This project is starting to embarrass me!

At any rate, life goes on and this week we are preparing to take an out of state trip. There is lots of shopping and packing and cleaning to do - it wears me out just thinking about it all! But I'm looking forward to our return and resuming work on "all our houses".


  1. a. I'm so envious! What a great find for $25.

    b. You are possibly the only other person I know that uses "twitterpated" besides me!

    I can't wait to see how your farmhouse & bakery turn out. I have been searching for an old dollhouse for my baby girl. I'm sure you'll inspire many great ideas.

    I just started a new blog with some vintage chic style and would love it if you stopped by some time. I added your button to my sidebar.

    Beautiful blog! I have a thing for all things french-y and bird related.

    - Jami Lynn

  2. Oh wow! Both your choices are right up my alley! I love old farm houses!. And the bakery, oh yeah, definitely me! When I was planning my bakery, your dollhouse is very close to the image I had in mind. I cannot wait to see how you decorate them!

    ~ Tracy

  3. Kim,

    You found The Fairfield House on Craigs List! Once you work your cottage charm on it I know it will be like no other. (I will be paying close attention and will consider this a scaled down version of what you would do with my house!) The storybook cottage will transform into a beautiful miniature bakery. Just think, everything sold in there will be low calorie!
    Don't beat yourself up over not meeting your self imposed deadline for completing your studio. Thomas and I were just talking about this very thing this past weekend. With so many other things to tend to our progress is slow and steady. I get disheartened when I read blogs that report renovations in a weekend. Your studio will be completed and everything and more that you imagined! I hope everything is okay with your family and that you have a safe journey.

    Your Friend,

  4. Very cute! BTW, I received the giveaway package and my daughter and I had so much fun finding new places for all the pretties. Thanks again!


  5. Cute little doll house. I am very excited to see how it comes together. We just moved my daughter to a new room and her (my childhood) doll house no longer fits. That means it goes to me to fix up. But I am nowhere neat getting started. Anyways, can't wait to see how you progress.

  6. What a great little house you found! I went through your other posts, and love all the transformations in your home. I absolutely love that aqua color of the door you have pictured. Yummy.

  7. The farmhouse dollhouse is precious and what a deal too...I can hardly wait to see what you do with it! :)
    Hope you and your family have a safe and fun trip.
    Big Hugs,

  8. Oh I hope you have so much fun. While I was home recouperating from my surgeries my mother bought me a doll house. For many years I made furniture, decorated rooms. I guess it was all training for having my own home. Enjoy!

  9. Those should both be fun projects for you and the girls. Can't wait to see them finished.

  10. Oh goodness, that is gorgeous! My dad made me a dollhouse when I was little but my mom threw it out several years ago...sniffle sniffle.

    I love yours! It's beautiful and wow $25!!!

  11. What a sweet little house, closest I came was when I swindled, ok made an unfair trade with friend for her Barbie house, her mom took care of that right away.

  12. I got the dollhouse that I am refurbishing for $30 on Craigs List and like you, I bought a kit that I have yet to assemble. Probably never will!

    Enjoy your dollhouse.

  13. Hello

    I've been following your blog under a different sign in for a while. I have a blog for my miniatures but blogger will only allow you to follow 300 so my real size house blogs I've had to follow separately.

    I make dollhouse miniature flowers mainly. Mostly pretty but have had commissions for spooky / wacky ones of late.

    Anyhow, that house is adorable and what a steal. I went back and looked at some of your other minis too.

    Manor House minis is one of the best online stores to buy from and Amy is so lovely.

    Anyhow, if you want to chat to mini people or read some of there blogs just come take a look at my followers. You'll see loads there and there are some amazing blogs to be seen.

    We are all really friendly and get on really well...you might read some recent comments about some copying and price undercutting that has been going on but that is a one off thing that just had to be nipped in the bud and I am sure it happens in all areas.

    So please, come on over and say hi....I should warn you though...it is easy to get bit by the mini bug :-)


  14. A "DREAM" of mine as well!! How fun!! I look forward to seeing your "remodel"!!

  15. Oh my goodness gracious! I LOVE that sweet little yellow dollhouse you found! That would have been my dream house, too, when we were looking at homes, had it been just a wee bit bigger! ;) (I love yellow houses.) I can't wait to see what you do with all of the cute rooms! And how fun that you will have two miniature houses now to work on!

    I chuckled at your saying you were beginning to be embarrassed by how long your studio was taking! I chuckled, you see, because I know that feeling well! That is how I feel regarding our kitchen. It just is never done! (arg!) BUT...your husband IS right~ it will be done! And it will be beautiful, I know it! Hang in there! :)


  16. I love the house you found on craigslist...I have a house that my girls have outgrown as their "polly pocket" house and I'm going to repair and fix it up. You have inspired me to get on the ball with that..I can't wait to see what you do with "all of your houses"...

  17. I think you've got the right idea. Good for you and it seems like a lot of fun! I can't wait to see your revamped (doll) farmhouse!! Have a nice trip out of state!

  18. What a darling little farmhouse...can't wait to see what you do with it.

  19. Hi everyone! I'm finally back in town - and enjoyed reading all of your comments about my new old dollhouse and your well wishes for a safe trip!

    I can't wait to get started on the house. I have so many ideas!

    Oh, and Deborah, how neat about the house being a miniature Fairfield!

  20. Oh it always starts with just the one dolls house and then before you know it , you'll be hooked and have unfinished miniature projects all over the place LOL I started with a planned idea of just the one house.... why would anyone want more than one house?.... ahh the bliss f hindsight LOL and then you start looking at whats out there!!! and BANG there it is, a whole new outlook on life - now Im a total mini addict! welcome to our wonderful world :o)

  21. Thank you, Wendie! We'll see how many I end up with!

  22. This is going to be great!
    Cannot wait to hear more of story, and see the house as it changes.
    barbara jean

  23. I've got a huge yellow Victorian dollhouse sitting in my basement that I'd love to get rid of. My parents bought it in the late '70s and had someone assemble it for us. It's gorgeous and weighs a ton. I simply don't have time or money to fix it up and my daughter has lost interest in it. Plus, our home is smallish and we don't have a place for it. But it sure is beautiful!

  24. So pretty! I've been wanting a dollhouse kit. AC Moore has some nice ones. As soon as I get some splurge money, I think I'll print out a coupon and go get one of the nice Victorian ones!
