New Paint Color for the Studio - Like an Ice Cream Sundae

I finally decided on a color for the walls of the Twice Remembered Cottage. It was hard. I drove myself crazy with it, even after receiving tons of helpful suggestions and advice from you all. White walls versus off-white walls. It was {seemingly} as simple as that.

I really wanted all white. White walls, white beadboard, white trim. Every shade of off-white that I sampled, and there were many, were left me longing for white yet again. I guess maybe that's because we've lived with some form of beige since we moved here. Here is a photo of the color of the walls of the studio when we first moved in.

At one point, though, I wanted something completely different. So I tried a shade of robin's egg blue-ish color. I did love that color, but I also loved the lighter "feel" of the kitchen wall color and decided I wanted to recreate that in the studio.

So we painted again. We used the same color we used in the kitchen. Hubs was not happy about repainting.

Soon I found myself craving all white. The studio gets tons of sun, so I envisioned a bright heavenly white space to call my own...Going to "work" each day would be like stepping out onto clouds on a sunny day!

{A} Hubs did not want to repaint...again.


{B} He was not into all white at all. He didn't want all the beadboard and trimwork hidden, he said.

Hubs did not want to repaint...again.
After getting over the first hurdle - convincing him to spend money on paint one more time, I needed to come up with a shade that satisfied us both. Enter a million samples of off-white that were all wrong, wrong, wrong.

Finally, on the brilliant suggestion of one dear reader, I took the beige-y paint that was on the studio walls {the same color that is in the kitchen and living room} and mixed it with about 95% pure white - the color of our beadboard and trim. The result was just lovely! In the studio during the day, where there is so much light, the walls look like light creamy, vanilla icecream. In the evening, the studio looks like the very first photo I posted there at the top - kind of like bisque. This is also what the color samples I painted throughout the house look like - more bisque than vanilla.

I think it's just perfect and correlates well with my passion for faux dessert creations {below}. The color theme for our cottage is like an ice cream sundae... vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup - some white whipped cream and a red cherry on top!

I still want to somehow incorporate some beautiful robin's egg blue, though, like what is seen in these candy boxes I made quite a while ago.

So what do you think about the new wall color choice for Twice Remembered? Some of you were worried that "all white" would make the place seem too stark or cold, but do you think this shade still retains enough warmth? For those of you who voted for all white, do you think it looks fresh and crisp and clean? I'm hoping that the new custom color captures the best of both white and off-white...but if it doesn't, hubs says I'm not painting again for years!


  1. Oh I love the color. It looks bright and fresh and not stark white at all. Just the right color. I think you will really like it. Hugs, Marty

  2. I think it's great. It's a nice compromise and your wonderful moldings and trim stand out perfectly!

  3. Hi Kim -

    I had no idea how big the space was or it's previous colors. I think it looks great. You got it right- as you always do. I also love the way you compared your homes colors to an ice cream sundae. What a great way to keep your scheme simple, yet so effective. Hope you have a great weekend - you can now relax!
    My best - Diane

  4. Lovely!!! I wish I could live in that room! hugs from conroe, tx!

  5. Very pretty Kim.
    I too love that it does not totally blend with the wood trim that your saint-of-husband-who-painted-how many-times? worked so hard on.

  6. I think it's gorgeous and I love that you opened up your comments again!

  7. I think you got have just the right warmth and white that you wanted to achieve. It really is pretty!


  8. Kim,

    I think you nailed it (with the paint brush that is!) You accomplished the best of both worlds (and kept Jeff happy!)
    If the walls are any indication of what's to come at your big 'reveal' I know I will be enamored with your studio.

    Your Friend,

  9. Love it! I'm actually painting my whole house a color similar to this one. It is just beautiful!

  10. I like it and I think it's a good compromise between white and off-white {plus keeping hubby happy}!

  11. I love It very warm and inviting!!
    I love the qccent colors your are planning on using too. Great choices. Have a great weekend

  12. It's lovely! Won't that room be an inspiration to work in? I would never want to leave. And I see your red door too! Yummy!

  13. It is perfect. It looks beautiful. Is that a cherry red door I see a bit of in the first picture? I would love to see more of that. I like that pop of color!

  14. Since you changed your blog layout, I couldn't find where I could comment. And here I write!

    I'm so in love with your blog... your talent and while you struggle to find just the 'white' shade of colour (ha, ha.. pun), I scratch my head and wonder at it all. Your tumble down house is hardly tumblish and I'll bet your budget if far more liberal than ..err, umm.... mine.

    I love what you've done to date and I am incredibly impressed with your talents, especially in light of what I've read of your 'adversaries'.

    You could paint a room dark purple or pumpkin orange and make it outstanding. Not that those are especially great or bad colours... I'm just saying... you are very gifted.

  15. Beeeaaaautiful!!! You guys did a really good job.

  16. Love it! Do you have a photo of the label of the color? I want white, too, but I don't want it to be stark. That looks perfect. Also, what color (and you've probably already posted this) is the trim?

  17. I think it looks wonderful! It really complements all the trim and woodwork.
    ☺ Celeste

  18. I love, love LOVE it!! It is just right, Kim! Now I want to repaint all of my walls that color. Maybe I shouldn't tell my hubby, though. ;)
    Hope you have a great weekend!!

  19. I think it's awesome my friend...looks clean and fresh looking...Hope you have a GREAT weekend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  20. Turned out great! Your poor must be quite the negotiator!

  21. It looks incredible! I'll have to remember that idea when I go to start painting my own walls. :)

  22. I love it! The color looks perfect(;

  23. Thanks for the vote of confidence, everyone! I'm glad *that* decision is behind me! Melissa, I will look the color code up and post it soon. :)

    Beansgood - you are too sweet, lol! I guess tumble-down is relative, but let's just say there is a good reason why I don't post a lot of photos of the outside of my house and my street! The inside is coming along and looks a lot better than it did...still in a state of organized chaos, but getting there!

  24. well I'm craving for ice cream now! thanks >_<
    the walls looks great, all the accessories you'll throw in will make it more warm for sure :) Red can't be cold, right? :P
