Summer's Bounty

I took the leap and planted tomato plants this year for the first time, along with my herbs and jalapenos. I know it sounds silly, but I couldn't believe the tomato plants actually produced!

And there is nothing, nothing better than eating tomato and mayo sandwiches all the live long summer! When I'm in the mood to fancy the sandwiches up a bit, I use whole wheat buns if I have them on hand. Then I take some of my fresh thyme, oregano, and basil leaves, chop them into small pieces, and blend them together in a small amount of oil and vinegar, salt and pepper, and grated parmesan. I pour this mixture right onto my thick tomato slices and then add spinach leaves and onion slices. Oh My Yum! Coupled with a glass of sweet iced tea, you'll wish summer - and it's bounty - would never end!


  1. Love home grown tomatoes...I'm hoping a neighbor has too many and wants to share! Enjoy and have a nice weekend.

  2. Nothing better then home grown tomatoes. I like mine with fresh basil and fresh mozzarella cheese. Drizzle some olive oil, salt and pepper and yum! Caprese salad!

  3. Kim,

    We are living on the same diet this summer. YUM! I also have plum tomatoes and I'm busy making sauce. So happy your gardens were a success and you are enjoying your harvest.

    Your Friend,

  4. Fresh from the garden tomatoes are my favorite thing about summer.

  5. Oh no! Once you go home grown you will not want to go back! There is nothing like a home grown tomato. :) So glad you are enjoying your harvest!

  6. Serious yum! I remember the first year I grew vegetables and herbs. When the first tomato was ripe, I grabbed the salt shaker and the paring knife and a few leaves from my basil plants and sat right down in the middle of the garden to slice my 'mater, sprinkle with salt and slap on a basil leaf. Heaven...

  7. Oh my, there is nothing better than a homegrown tomato in the summertime! I only planted one plant amongst my herbs this year, but we have gotten numerous tomatoes! Hope to have a bigger garden next year.

  8. I love tomato sandwiches! I eat mine the same way you do minus the onion. YUM! Now I want one for lunch! I also love a fresh Caprese salad.

    ~ Tracy

  9. there is nothing better than home grown tomatoes! i love tomato and mayo sandwiches, i thought i was the only one! your fancy version sounds divine! i must try that someday! too late now, but next year i plan to plant herbs along w/ my tomatoes too! thanks for this yummy idea!

  10. that sounds delicious! wish my tomato plants hadn't died :(

  11. Yummy yummy! You're right. There isn't much better than home grown tomatoes. Can't wait til ours ripen.

  12. My grandmother or Nuni, who was from Sicily, made us toasted cheese sandwiches with tomato. Butter the bread, select your cheese, slice tomato and then, salt, pepper and oregano. Plus, she always put a little olive oil on the tomato. Grill and enjoy.
    That is my sandwich of choice, could eat them every day in the summer. I have never had a tomato and mayo sandwich...sounds like another new love.

  13. I too love the taste of sun rippened tomatoes and cannot wait for the 100+ pear ones that are in full green state right now, come one sun do your thing! Your blog is beautifully written and very authentic, thanks for the gllimpse into your cottage.

  14. I just love the quote about "No mean woman can cook...." I'm going to write that one on my chalkboard in my kitchen right now! :) thanks!
    Found you through Layla's blog- signing up to follow you. You have a very uplifting site. ♥
