A Priming Party

Today I'm throwing my own priming party. You are invited, of course! I can't tell you how cluttered and junked up our upstairs storage area is right now. It's baaaad! This fall, when it's not 200 degrees up there, I am committed to getting the space completely cleaned out - which means getting rid of everything I know I won't use. A lot of things up there are "future projects" - items I've picked up over the years that would be lovely all spruced up. Some things I've gotten around to making over in past months, others not so much. So in an effort to commit myself to the items I feel I want to keep, I've decided to start bringing them down from upstairs, sanding them off, and giving them all a good primer coat. I don't even know what colors I want to paint everything, but at least they'll be ready to go when I am ready.

Did you notice one thing in the photo above that is primed already? Yes, I spent the day Thursday kicking some major beadboard bootie! We still have a bit of finishing trim to add to the moulding right above the beadboard, but that won't be any trouble to slap some primer on when it's nailed in place.

Alright, the table is set and the primer will be served soon. Don't forget, B.Y.O.B! {Bring Your Own Brush!}

P.S. Tomato lovers unite! I so enjoyed reading in my last post how you like eating your summer tomatoes! Mmmmm boy!


  1. Hi Kim-
    Bringing all the "stuff" down and priming it is a great idea. Not only will it all be ready to go, but seeing each piece primed and no longer in their orignal color could give you new inspiration on how you can use them.
    Your beadboard looks so nice. I can't wait to see the finished room.
    My best- Diane

  2. Dear Kim,

    You are on a priming spree! You should bottle that energy and sell it on etsy! The beadboard looks great. I like your idea of priming everything at once in an effort to commit to finishing projects. If I lived closer I would be over with my brush as well as some long overdue projects I've yet to complete.

    Your Friend,

  3. Love the room, the ceiling is fantastic and the floors are gorgeous. Now it looks like there are a ton of super neat things on that table. Can't wait to see what you do with them. Hugs, Marty

  4. Hi Kim,

    The ceiling looks beautiful! Like you, I am on a mission to be realistic about my future projects and have been busy clearing out my garage. I am so happy that I can see the cement floor again. I have been priming/painting in the early mornings and evenings when it's not as hot.

    Happy Priming!

  5. You go girl! We are in the midst of project heaven here as well. I will be cleaning out the basement here come fall when IT is not quite so hot! I swear it was 103+...oh...add the Hotlanta humidity to boot!

  6. What a great idea...too bad I am off to some garage sales to buy more, instead of being smart like you! Sent you my favorite tomato sandwich recipe...I could eat one every day when the tomatoes are ripe. Thank goodness we can get fairly decent tomatoes now, all year. They still don't even come close to fresh from the vine tomatoes, but they are better than the tomatoes of years past.
    I am sure that peaches, tomatoes and raspberries are in heaven.

  7. It is so much easier when things are all ready primed. I'd come help you and we'd have fun, if only we lived closer. I love paint!

    Your beadboard ceilings are gorgeous!!!! I really like that idea a lot! I'm trying to do the math calculations in my head for ours right now.

    Eh...gotta run to the calculator now I'm not that quick :) lol

    Have fun,

  8. Hi Kim~

    Yea! Once the bead board is primed, it really lets you see more clearly how it will look when it's done! :) AND it looks wonderful so far in your picture!

    Our dining room bead board is still unprimed and unpainted...I dread doing it, but maybe now that I have seen yours I will get into a priming mood over here! It would surely look better than the plain wood look!

    I hope you are feeling well, and that you had a good weekend! :)

  9. Looks great & the party sounds fun! My daughter just told me...please don't paint anything else! ;)

  10. Primer....gotta love it.
    But why do I dread it so much?

    You go girl!
    Layla :-)

  11. It is so beautiful Kim! Love tomatoes too. Yum!

  12. Hi Kim,
    I'm guessing my emails aren't getting to you; I tried three times over the last couple of weeks to contact you - I'd love to get that chair you said you would send me to complete my set. Can you let me know either way?
    Thanks so much, Louis

  13. I do this all the time. In fact, my dining room table seems to have a permanent dropcloth on it. But, I AM getting through the projects and siin, we will not have to eat meals on the patio!

  14. Great comments, everyone! I only got halfway through my priming spree {see latest post} but at least I'm much further ahead than I was!

    Lol, Anita, our poor dining table hardly ever gets eaten on nowadays! I understand!
