"To My Dear Girls..."

To my dear girls, Sydda, Lula, and Zuzu:

Dear girls,

By now I know that you've been told about me and that you must be very sad and upset. It is never easy for humans especially to lose those they love very much. But I wanted to make sure you knew how much I appreciated this wonderful, long, good life that you gave me. Even though I was never one to run and bounce around and play, I felt so proud and happy to wake up each day to a house full of people who loved me and cared for me so well. Even when I would just spend my days sleeping, many times a day, there was always someone coming up to me to say hello or to pet me or to tell me how much they loved me. I secretly kind of liked it when you would argue over who would give me a treat, because it showed me just how much you thought of me. Many dogs aren't so blessed as I was to live such a sweet, long life with children like you. Thank you for every large and small thing you have done over the years to make me so happy.

I know that it isn't natural for humans to lose those they love in death, and it's very sad for them for a while. But please know that for animals, death is very natural and we don't dread it as people do. Many animals in nature that are sick or reach old age, including some cats and dogs, will often go find a nice comfortable hidden place outside to fall asleep in death. Other animals rely on their humans to decide the right time. I know that my humans, you girls and mommy and daddy, have seen over the last couple of years the trouble I have had getting around. I could never say it out loud, of course, but if you looked at me closely in the eyes, you could see that I was in a lot of pain - pain that comes from old age. My bones hurt a lot and I hated to move, even when I took medicine for the pain. I still loved to eat, but lately, I could not even bring myself to get up for breakfast so mommy had to bring it to me. Walking hurt, and going up and down the few steps to the yard each day was very hard, too. I didn't enjoy going outside as much as I use to. So this is why I spent most of my time sleeping. Just like with people, it's harder to think about being in pain when you can sleep. As you know, instead of getting better, those of us that reach old age get worse. I know that mommy and daddy didn't want this for me, and I know that you didn't want this for me either. It was extremely difficult to decide to end the pain because mommy and daddy knew how much I would be missed, but I am so, so thankful that I will no longer have to struggle each day. In human years, I reached over 98 years of age, and that is a very, very, very long life both for dogs and humans. It doesn't happen often that dogs live that long, and I am blessed to be one of those fortunate few that did. Take cheer in knowing that it was in large part because of you, your care, and your love that I lived so long.

I know you will miss me but as soon as you are able, please think about the happy and fun times we shared together over the years. Mommy and Daddy and I wanted you to have a special day to remember my good life like you did the day Skyler the parakeet passed away. It is ok to smile and know that you were part of something wonderful - your dog living to be almost 100 people years! And it is ok to love Ruby as you always have. I did like the little dog even though she goes overboard with that squeak toy of hers sometimes. Like me, she had a rocky start her first few years before coming to live here, and I want her to experience to the full the happiness of having such a wonderful family, too.

As you're listening to this letter being read to you, take comfort in knowing that I gently fell asleep a very happy dog, and that I no longer suffer. This was the right and loving thing to do, and I appreciate you loving me enough to understand. I love you very, very much, my sweet family. Thank you for everything.


Cara Bella

We put our dear old dog of 14 down on Tuesday while our kids were away on a camping trip with their grandfather. We decided to not let them know that we had made the appointment because we knew their little hearts would be miserable and heartbroken during the days leading up to the vet visit. I didn't want to distress them before their long awaited camping trip or Cara Bella during her final days. However, we have been preparing them for the last couple of years - especially the last few months as Cara Bella's health declined, gently reminding them that she wouldn't live much longer, and may need to be put to sleep as we would not let her suffer. The kids were very good about doting on her and giving her extra special attention whenever they could. There were saddened and upset by the news, but not shocked. We had a special family meal in her honor last night and that helped to lift the girls' spirits. Of course, bed time - when goodnight kisses are often doled out to our furbabies - was quite a different story. It will take time, I know.

Edited to add: The first photo was taken the day we adopted Cara Bella when she was about 7 years old. She was severely obese due to an inactive life and being overfed before coming here. We were able to get her weight back down and even so, it surprised me that she was able to live so long considering the very unhealthy beginning of her life. We were fortunate!


  1. oh man, I have tears in my eyes. What a beautiful gift to give your children.

  2. Bless you & your family for loving your pets as you do!

  3. Good bye, Cara Bella, you were loved.

  4. It takes special people to love enough to do the tough things when the time comes. I am sorry for your loss and happy for the beautiful memories I know you will always cherish..In my minds eye I see sweet Cara romping playfully with my Sissy and Jazzy , again young~happy and pain free.


  5. Oh, I am glad your dog lived a wonderful life with you, sorry to heard it has ended.

  6. What a beautiful way to handle such a difficult subject. Your children will learn a lot from this letter. Losing a pet is so difficult but the memories we keep of them help ease the pain.
    I truly believe having dogs makes us better people than we would be without them.
    I saw a sign that said it all.
    "My goal is to be the person my dog thinks I am!"

  7. I am so, so, sorry and believe me, I have been there too many times!
    You are special people for caring for your animals as you do!
    Prayers are with you.

  8. I know how difficult this is and I'm sorry for your loss. I want to commend you for how you handled it with your children. Losing a pet is so hard but the experience is a good life lesson if handled the right way with children. It will help them understand so they are better prepared to handle when a human passes away some day in their lives. (My son's first experience with loss was at the age of 4 when his grandmother unexpectedly passed. He just couldn't understand it.) Some parents try to protect children from the pain of losing a pet or even lie to them about it. I think you've just done a wonderful job in how you not only didn't avoid but went to the extra effort for them and for your beloved pet.

  9. Beautiful way to handle the loss. I lost so many pets when I was little and I remember it being so hard, but also (even at a young age)remember understanding that pets don't live forever. I hope they are able to get over the loss quickly and just have those blessed memories.
    Blessings & Hugs to you and your kiddos.

  10. I have tears running down my face. Last year, I had to put my cat to sleep after there was no way she could be helped. There is not a day I don't think of how much I loved her. Prayers for your family and dog.

  11. Couldn't even finish your lovely letter before the tears were welling in my eyes...good thing the kleenex are handy nearby. Have been there with my children many times before. My daughter would cry, I don't want to have any more pets, it hurts too much to loose them...she has 3 cats and a dog with plans for another dog when they have a yard of their own.
    Aren't we lucky to have a piece of nature live with us? I can't imagine my house being a home without my furbabies.

  12. When we let our dog Bogie go to sleep, it was as if someone had pulled my heart out, to watch his life just go from his body. I will never forget it. He was the same age as your baby. Our first dog.

    They are so sweet and to think that we were apart of his little life makes me so very happy.

    When his time came, my husband and my son built a small casket with a hinged lid and a tiny lock to place him in. Everyone stood around the Dogwood tree in our backyard and we each put a small stuffed animal and a letter inside the casket, telling him of our love. It was one of the finest days as a family. There we were around that tree (that now blooms in April, the month he passed away) telling our goodbyes and letting him know how he was so dearly loved.

    Pain is never easy. I hope your heart heals in time and a new life will find its way to you. We now have two small yorkies (and a husky) and I often wonder what our Bogie would say. I'm sure it would be something like, "seriously? did you need all this noise?" :)

    I am so sorry for your loss.

  13. It is so hard. Our sweet doggie went to doggie heaven in November. It was soooo hard on us. Our little granddaughter still cries when she talks of her. They are such a blessing in our lives. ((((HUGS))))

  14. Kim,

    I'm so sorry you had to put your corgi down. I started to cry while reading your post. They are the thoughts and feelings I could easily assign to my dog. Buster (the cairn terrorist) will be 14 this Halloween and has slowed down a lot this year. Although he occasionally shows some spunk and decides to take Scout and himself for a stroll around the property and down to the river (about a mile walk) I sometimes check to see if he is breathing because he spends so much time sleeping these days. I know the reality and that he has led a full, happy little life but it doesn't make it any easier. I am not one of those people who will allow my dog to suffer because I don't want to. When his time comes I will do the honorable thing as you have.

    Your Friend,

  15. What a wonderful tribute to your Corgi. Blessings to you and your family.
    Hugs, Sherry

  16. Hi Kim-

    So sorry to hear about your sweet Cara Bella. She is in Doggie Heaven now and very happy to have spent a life with such a loving and caring family.
    Your post written from her perspective was wonderful and brought tears to my eyes having been in the same situation a few times myself. The photo you have of her will, I am sure be treasured always.
    My best- Diane

  17. What a touching post. My heart is breaking for you. I know how very hard it is for your family. Blessings to you and your family this day.

  18. Farewell Cara Bella. She was so loved by your family, Kim! This made me cry because I still miss our Westie, Lucy, whom we loved for 15 years and lost 2 years ago. I understand your loss because it hurts so much to lose those treasured pets.

  19. My deepest condolences.

    God bless

  20. I am sorry for the loss of your beloved pet, a member of your family. I also had to put my Yorkshire Terrier to sleep. He was 17 years old, so I know what a difficult time it is. Please give your girls my regards and tell them that their Cara Bella is now in heaven playing with my dog.
    Best regards,

  21. Goodbye puppy! Such a sweet little dog.

  22. Such a sweet doggy, such a loving tribute to both your pet AND your children. My heart breaks for you. I'm going thru much the same thing with my aging best friend, my little JRT, Sissy.It is never easy. May God comfort you all.

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  23. oh what a beautiful letter, I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face. She was a lucky dog to have such a loving family. Take care - Rachael:)

  24. bye sweet doggie, you were loved. losing pets is the worst. the worst.


  25. This is such a hard thing to have to do. I'm so sorry you had to go through it. You gave her a happy life by adopting her. She was thankful I'm sure. ((hugs))

  26. Furbabies are members of the family and you've surely been crowned for the good life and love that you provided.

    My Miss Morgan is "in charge"...all 5 pounds of her. :0) We are "her pets" and she's got us well trained. ♥♥ Such a precious furbaby to us.

    My heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time.

    Stephanie ♥

  27. I wish everyone treated their pets as well as you.

  28. I normally don't cry when pet posts come around, simply because we're not pet people. But your letter just shows how deeply your whole family loved this sweet dog. I have tears rolling down my cheeks. I hope you're all able to find comfort in each other.

  29. What a beautiful tribute to a special friend. Our border collie will be 13 next month, and although he is still quite healthy (though also quite deaf), we know the day will come when we have to say goodbye. There is no amount of preparation that will ease the pain. Bless you for loving Cara Bella.

  30. My heart goes out to you - what a lucky girl to have a family like yours.

  31. It is so sad to loose a pet, especially a great dog, I am sure she is no longer in pain and you did the right thing. :(

  32. Cara Bella,

    What a gift to have shared your long life with such a wonderful family. How joyful to have such a good life. You are so sweet to leave this loving letter on your mommy's blog to share with me today. And thank you for reminding me of just how special and what a blessing my own furr babies are to my family.



  33. Tears here too. It's the right decision but hurts for a very long time. Thank you for sharing from your heart. I've been there myself with a beloved cat.

  34. I'm so sorry about the loss of your dear friend. How lucky was she to have such a loving family!

  35. This is my first time reading your blog. What a loving post - both to your children and to Cara Bella. I've been down that road more times than I can count and it never gets easier to lose a beloved pet that has become part of the family. Thank you for this lovely post.

  36. Made me cry. Good for you for doing this for your girls.

  37. Oh how sad, I am crying like everyone else. What a beautiful sad post.

  38. I wanted to see what was up with your home projects as it;s been a couple of months & could not believe seeing this - we just put our 14 year old lab down on Sunday (Aug 1). I have felt guilty of her declining health for quite some time, and we knew we had to do this, as she couldn't be 'fixed' & was really declining.... She still had life in her eyes and it was so difficult to do. I put aside my feelings until I read your post.
    I wept and trembled... a lot, as I am now writing this, mourning the loss of our faithful friend that literally grew up with our daughter ...
    What a beautiful and amazing letter you have written to your children through the eyes of your Bella. God bless you, you handled it so well...

  39. I know exactly how you feel. We lost our sweet dog of almost 13 years just a little over a month ago, and when I read a post like this, I am missing him so much again. Cara Bella was blessed to have you for her family. Jackie

  40. OH, I am so sad for you and your family! It is SO hard to lose a beloved pet! :( We have gone through that, and it was very difficult for them, especially our oldest.
    I am going to be praying for you all.


  41. Oh what a lovely letter. We had to say goodbye for our furry pal Muskoka last October and it was one of the hardest things we ever had to do. Although we now have Max, we still miss him terribly!

  42. Yes, it's a sad day when you lose such a devoted friend. It's almost a given that when you adopt a new one into your home that there will be a sad day in the future and yet we still do it! Seems the good times make up for this inevitable eventuality. We went through this last month with my grown daughter's dog of 11 years and I still miss him and look for him constantly.

  43. So heartfelt. I was just 10 when I lost my first Corgi. This letter would have helped immensely. Thanks for the memories and loving your precious children so much to write it.

  44. bless you for adopting a dog, and double-bless you for adopting an older dog.
    I am so very sorry for your loss.

    your letter to your children was lovely. what a sweet gift to them.

  45. Sorry to hear about Cara Bella (great name, BTW). :) It is obvious that she lived a life so very full of love.

  46. I just found your blog and this entry made me cry! It made me remember when my first puppy had to be put down. It was the day I graduated college and my parents had to do it that morning, almost making them late to my graduation. Her health really declined and something happened that day (I still don't know and it was 4 years ago), making it necessary before the graduation party. I hope your girls are handling it well. It's always hard to lose a loved one, even a pet. :)

  47. I'm so very sorry for your loss, Kim. The letter you wrote was very touching and beautiful. It made me cry but because of how loved she was and I know how sad your kids will be. You handled it in a very loving, caring, and understanding way. Thank you for sharing such a touching story with us.

    Thanks so much!!
    Michele R.(CA)
    Luvkittysgiveaways at Gmail dot com
    Butterfly Whispers

  48. Kim I just sat here BAWLING reading this post.

    My sweet fur ball is only a year and a half and has such a HUGE HUGE hold on my heart....I just can't imagine when this day comes......

    BIG BIG HUGS to your family!.....and thanks for sharing something so personal!

  49. I need to clear the tears from my eyes so I can see what I'm typing! AHHH. I am so sorry. What a great mother you are! You have given your kids an awesome gift. There is nothing like being able to care for and love your very own pet. Even when it was hard you taught them love and compassion. This will stay with them forever, all because of a great mother and a little dog. Thanks for sharing this. SO inspiring and sweet.

  50. I can hardly write this due to the tears in my eyes. How beautiful. My daughter and I recently had to put down our 15 year old cat (her baby) and my longhaired dachsund, Boogie, is now 14. Boogie is "my baby". I am an empty nester now so the thought of him leaving is too much to handle sometimes. Thanks for sharing your beautiful letter to your children. Those words helped me.

  51. Dear Kim,
    I am sorry to hear about the loss of your dear pet.
    We had to put our dog down too a couple of years ago. It was so hard on our entire family. I am so sorry you are having to go through this right now.
    Take Care,
