Little by Little

Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained. - Marie Curie

Did everyone have a beautiful weekend? I know I did! It was filled with a wedding and a fun pizza night here with friends. And as I'm sure you know, there's nothing quite like company coming to motivate you to spend part of your weekend thoroughly cleaning your house!

Last week's Muffin Bakin' Day went really well thanks to the help of my littlest baker ZoZo, who was home on Snow Day #4.

We were able to make five different kinds: blueberry, apple cinnamon, peanut butter banana, peanut butter banana with chocolate chips, and plain old chocolate chip. {The chocolate chip varieties will be reserved for afternoon snacks though I'm sure my children would happily eat them for breakfast if I let them!}

I will share some muffin recipes a little later on, but for now, do you see in the photo below the mirror that was once above our living room fireplace? Oh, things are in strange places all over the house at any given moment for various reasons- often because, well, I'm a bit scatterbrained and not terribly organized...

...but in this case, we've been working on our living room mantel. It was quite wimpy before so we removed and replaced the mantel. Instead of tearing out the old mantel 'legs' {the vertical parts of the fireplace surround}, we just bulked them up by adding more trim work.

My favorite part is the rope moulding which I think ties in nicely with the rope moulding we added to our kitchen cabinets.

We still have tons of caulking and painting to do, but when it's all finished, I'll be sure to share with you! Can you believe it? Little by little, we're getting there!


  1. Hi Kim - just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog and am selfishly happy to see you back blogging. I admire and appreciate the time and effort you girls take to write and share. Someday I may jump in, but until then thank you from a "faithful reader"! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Yes, you are getting there "line upon line" and doing a remarkable job. It must feel so good to bake muffins in your sunny kitchen, scooting around on your beautiful hardwood floors and looking about at all your have accomplished. You have come so far. It's good to take stock of that once in a while!

  3. I love to see all that you get accomplished!! You guys do such a good job (;

  4. Hurry up and share those recipes! ;) Your kitchen cabinets are beautiful...that rope trim is divine!

  5. I can't wait to see more of your beefed up mantel! I need some ideas for my own.

  6. I can't wait to see everything come together!!! Those muffins look scrumptious! Kate won her 1st volleyball tournament as a coach this weekend, so we are so thrilled!!! Can't wait to see the mantle completed.

  7. The muffins look yummy. Have you made a gluten-free muffin yet?
    I appreciate your quotes and wonder how much time you spend selecting them. They seem to be written just for me these days. I know they aren't, but thank you anyway.
    Little by little is good. Time passes regardless and you can look back and see how much it all adds up.

  8. Mmmmmmm. Those muffins look delicious!! I wish I could reach through the computer screen and grab one! :)
    Can't wait to see your mantle all finished! It is going to be gorgeous!! Well, it already is!
    Kim, I am so glad to see you are back to blogging. I missed you when you were gone. I love hearing all your updates. Your haircut is too cute, by the way! :)
    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  9. i'm so glad to see you are back! all of your work looks great, from the muffins to the fireplace...terrific!!

  10. You all are are so kind...thank you very much! Sometimes it seems like we aren't moving *at all*! But I guess all the little things add up over time and something gets accomplished after all!

  11. Louise, thank you so much for what you said about the quotes! I love quotes so much and I'm glad you enjoy them and can relate to them!

  12. Hi - just popped by your blog - I love all your little quotes!

  13. your kitchen looks great! I love the red.
