A Conversation with Goodwill

Thrift is poetic because it is creative; waste is unpoetic because it is waste. -G.K. Chesterton

Goodwill. Oh how I've missed you. I've been snowbound, you see, but I returned to you as soon as possible to blissfully partake of your thrifty goodness.

You rewarded me well with this beautiful little jewelry box. I've needed one for so long...

Finally a safe place to store my rings and earrings instead of scattering them all willy nilly throughout the house...

Oh, and this silver tray! Now I have a nice place to arrange my long beaded necklaces. It will take me a while to untangle them first, but how good it feels to know that they have a home now!

Best of all, beloved Goodwill, I absolutely *adore* this really old book collection that just about gave me a happy heart attack when I first spied them out of the corner of my eye... Books dating back to the 30's and 40's? Beautiful gold and red covers that fit so perfectly with my cottage style? Thoreau? Emerson? Longfellow? And so on and so on? You've got to be kidding me, Goodwill! You are too kind to me.

{Has Goodwill been kind to you lately?}


  1. I love your quotes!

    And I love your Goodwill finds. Goodwill was very kind to me right before Christmas, but I have not been back since then.

    Maybe tomorrow! I think I hear it calling me ....

  2. Goodwill is my favorite store and I definitely love your finds. They are wonderful. The silver is gorgeous and I always look for books, sometimes you find such treasures. Hugs, Marty

  3. Wow you sure scored! I love the set of old books and I swear I had one of those boxes when I was a kid. Who knows where that disappeared to, hmmm maybe it is now in your hands, lol! I am obsessed with the Good Will and I go twice a week. So I know how you feel when you don't get there. Christmas break with my kids home killed me. It isn't too much fun to have them tag along!

    Can't wait to see what you find when you finally get there!


  4. oh man - not fair! I was there today (I've been snowed in with no school all week !) and I found NOTHING!

    We did find a little bedside table at Hobby Lobby though it cost $14 :)

    I just found your blog - It's fun! Thanks!

  5. Funny you should ask, at lunch with friends this week, we were discussing how disappointed we have been with our local Goodwill. The prices have gone sky high and the quality of the finds has greatly diminished. Bummer!

  6. OH YES!!!!!!! Goodwill was VERY kind to me this week... Hoping to post about it soon!

  7. I am SOOO having GW withdrawal! I'm snowbound, too - and just achin' to get out to do some some junking!!! Aghhhh!!!! Great finds, girl! Love the silver and the books!!! :)

    xoxo laurie

  8. Kim,

    I too have been housebound but plan to go Goodwill Hunting next week. The books! What a treasure you discovered.

    Your Friend,

  9. Those books & jewelry box are BEAUTIFUL!
    And YES Goodwill has been good to me!! I bought antique Ball Mason Jars the other day for $2.25 each and one dates back to 1896-1910. Very much worth my hard earned $2.25 :)

  10. So happy for all of you who have found some great things at Goodwill lately...and for those that haven't, keep at it - I know you'll find some treasures soon! {I hear ya about the higher GW prices as of late..wonder what's up with that?!}

    Ha! Looks like there have been a lot of us that have been snowbound this week!

  11. Our GW never seems to have any treasures like you seem to find. Maybe I just don't go enough.

  12. My GW is good to me every time I go! Love Goodwill!

  13. i found the most beautiful buffet and hutch at my goodwill, i almost peed my pants when i saw them. then i saw the price.....$225.00 for the pair.


  14. Heaves to Betsy!!! Your Goodwill sounds like heaven!!! {I'm GREEN with envy over those books!;}

    m ^..^

  15. Oh...I need to frequent there more often. I love your finds. One man's junk is for sure another man's treasure!!

  16. Love the finds. The tray is wonderful.

  17. Soooo happy you are back! I can't wait to read all about what has been going on around your home. :)

  18. So happy many of you are finding some great finds, too!

  19. I know I'm a little late with this post, but I was scrolling through you blog and saw this...I LOVE Goodwill. One of my favorite stores. I can't even begin to tell you about all the "goodies" I've found...antique furniture, designer clothes, new shoes, books, cloches, vintage silverware, all kinds of unique household decor...love your finds, too!

  20. I am hungry for a trip to Goodwill but I have promised myself that I would go through all of the things in my attic and get my house straight before bringing in another thing. So many boxes to go through. So many memories inside them.
