Muffin Bakin' Day

"When you wake up in the morning, Pooh," said Piglet at last, "what's the first thing you say to yourself?"
"What's for breakfast?" said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?"
"I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?" said Piglet.
Pooh nodded thoughtfully. "It's the same thing," he said."
— A.A. Milne

Oh my goodness...I just can't get warm this morning! My instinct is to crawl up under a blanket {my favorite heavy chenille blanket that I affectionately call 'Grandma Blanket'. There is a 'Grandpa Blanket', too} and sit by the fire to read for a good part of the day. But we are on Snow Day #4. That means another schedule free day to do some things I've been wanting to get around to for awhile...

Things like baking... For the the longest time I've wanted to make several batches of muffins to freeze and have ready for the children in the morning. We already have to get up too early {we have to be out the door by 7 am} so you won't find me baking at the crack of dawn - but it's nice to pull out some muffins the night before to thaw or just defrost in the microwave in the morning.

So I'm going to bake today until I run out of ingredients. My goal is to make four different kinds of muffins. We'll see how far I get before deciding that Grandma Blanket and I need to spend some time by the fire!

Have a lovely day, everyone!


  1. Kim,

    We made blueberry crumb muffins yesterday. Tasted so good with a cup of fresh pressed coffee. I think I will use your plan next time - make extra and freeze for another day!

    Your Friend,

  2. Mmmm... muffins! What a good idea to use a snow day to fill the house with lovely scents and warm muffins right out of the oven.
    Will they last long enough to freeze?
    Have fun!

  3. Wow, 4 snow days! We got 20 inches of snow yesterday and I did get the day off from work but all the roads were clear today so it was back to work for me.

  4. This weather has had me couped up for three days. In these three days, I've managed to make: chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, cupcakes, chocolate covered oreos and pretzels (white and milk varieties) and potato soup from scratch. I'm so glad to finally get out of the house today and head to my favorite fabric store (Textile) which coincidentally has a sale going on. :)

  5. I love days like that! Bake , bake , bake til your hearts content!

  6. oh how nice to have muffins in the oven ... house all warm inside and a big snuggly blanket too!!!! soooooo great to be hearing from Twice Remembered again!! :) Terri

  7. I sounds like such a cozy day. The oven warms the house a bit, the smells of warm muffins filling the air, and of course, enjoying one of those warm muffins with a little bit of butter while cuddled under a blanket.....have fun!

  8. oh my what a lovely quote you used for your good looking muffins, it is just so right !..Can I have a muffin...;-)

    With Love from Rotterdam,NL


  9. Wow, just read up on your blog and so happy to hear you are feeling better, what an amazing thing just a diet change can do for you! Good for you!

  10. Sounds delicious, Deborah - the muffins AND the fresh pressed coffee...what a great way to start the day!

    I worried about that,Cass! I did let the kiddos have a couple each, but they would have kept eating if I let them!

    Chris, I know! It's crazy! We got about 4 inches and it has stuck around all that meant no school all week, either. I don't think we'd know what to do with 20 inches of snow! I hope your day back to work was a good one. :)

    Jessica, isn't this kind of weather PERFECT baking weather? It just happens...Cold Weather/Snow = Baking! You've been busy and what you made sounds so delicious... and I'm making potato soup right this minute!

    Arlene, it was a very nice day - thank you!

    You are so sweet, Terri...and you're so right, baking sure did warm the house - and ME up!

    Sara, the house smelled wonderful! And now it smells like bacon {for that potato soup}...and it smells just about as good as the muffins. :) Enjoy your winter days, too!

    Elise, you sure can have a muffin...come on over - I'd be honored to have you! Glad you like the quote!

    Thank you, Krissy! It's so good to see everyone again...Yes, baking days are kind of torturous when you can't have sugar OR gluten but what is worse is never feeling well because of sugar and gluten. So I'll just enjoy the smells and smiles. :)

  11. Oh how I love muffins and baking too. What a fun day. I hope you get warm soon :)

  12. Thank you! The warm kitchen definitely warmed me up!

  13. Kim, I can read your blog over and over again. From goodies and decor to wonderful quotes. i just love it here
