
For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain. -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

It is such a dark, rainy day here in Middle Tennessee...and it's so delicious. I don't think I slept a wink last night partly due to thunderstorms {and partly due to someone's snoring}, so today I'm going to relax and enjoy the peaceful rhythm of the rain. Maybe at some point I'll get the urge to clean off my dining table {crafts!}... but then again, maybe not. I have to use my 'cocoon' time wisely on days such as this. I don't want to waste a minute!

Hubs has been in recovery after having all four of his wisdom teeth removed so we haven't done any remodeling work lately, but I have a couple of cottage tidbits to share with you. First, I'm so excited to tell you about our new sofa! I really wanted to wait until next year to replace our eleven year old Broyhill...after we finished remodeling the living room. This year we will be putting up our wood plank tongue and groove ceiling like we installed in our kitchen, and I really didn't want to have to work around new furniture. But our old sofa was dead - just dead! It was very uncomfortable to sit on plus it was looking very tired and ratty. So when I found this sofa on Craigslist, we snatched it up! It's very heavy and well built, extremely comfortable, and ten feet long! Hopefully the days of my children complaining about 'nowhere to sit' are long gone now. Now the sofa just needs some pillows, but maybe I *will* wait until we finish up the dirty work in the living room before investing in those.

I was so excited to receive this beautiful painting as a gift from a talented artist friend of mine. Isn't she just dreamy? Oh, I just love her! She's so fairy like and beautiful and I often find myself just staring at her. I'd like to have this painting framed in a distressed, white wooden frame and I know just the wall I want to put her on!

The next photo really is nothing new, but you may find it amusing. Every time we leave the house for a few hours, our Ruby {Doxie Dog} just looks for ways to be naughty. Usually she searches the house for food, but whatever she can find, she brings to this rug by the front door and tears into it. In the past we've found animal crackers, mints, lollipops, and... well, you get the point. Last week, she found the bag of bird seed and I think she broke her record for biggest mess ever!

I hope you all are having a lovely February... spring is just around the corner! Have a wonderful day, especially if you are cocooned inside while the rain falls. I think I'm just going to sit here a while...

...and enjoy it!


  1. West TN is just as wet! :D

  2. That painting is absolutely beautiful and she looks just like you! Your friend is very talented indeed. Our sofas are dead too and I've been hunting on craigs list for replacements. It's tough because it takes so much time to find just the right one and when you do, you have to be ready to jump right away. One of these days the timing will work out.
    ☺ Celeste

  3. Okay.. I am so glad that I am not the first to say that the painting looks like you!! It really does and it is gorgeous as well as the photo of yourself enjoying the day!! I love the couch!! What a Craigs List FIND!!!! Enjoy your cocooning!!!! Terri ( can't wait to see more cottage remodeling!!!):)

  4. I think it looks like you too !
    And it is also raining in Arkansas. Which means there is more headed your way.

  5. Great find on Craigslist! Love those rainy days too and sometimes I just look forward to a reason to curl up on the couch, read a book, and listen to the rain outside.

  6. It isn't raining here, but it is COLD! The wind chill makes it feel like below zero out there. Brrr.
    We received our pine planks from Lumber Liquidators, so my hubby has been hard at work today working on the ceiling!! Yay! I hope it will look half as good as yours does. :)
    A new couch!! How exciting! Hope you love it!

  7. Dear Kim,

    So happy you and the girls are over being ill. Hope Jeff isn't suffering as he recovers from oral surgery. (Just say yes to pain medication!) I looked like a chipmunk when I had mine pulled. The painting is a stunning likeness. Your Craigslist sofa is treasure. I too am in the market for new living room furniture but I doubt I will be as lucky as you were. We currently have the same Broyhill sofa you just replaced. Scout (our rat terrier) rips magazines, newspaper, and mail apart when we go out. I hope Ruby didn't eat the bird seed.
    Whole seeds cannot be digested and can cause gastric bloat. Your haircut looks great!

    Your Friend,

  8. What a great sofa! It has good lines and tons of room. I love craigslist.

    I miss rainy days in the Northwest. Alaska just doesn't have them often. There is nothing like a dark rainy day with candlelight flickering against the shadows.

  9. Oh my, Ruby can ger herself in trouble, can't she? I am always amazed as to what they can get into. The painting is gorgeous and looks like you. Will it go over the new sofa? What a find. I never thought to go that route as I need a new recliner (but it must be a wing chair type.) Can we see some photos of Ruby?

  10. You've got email.

  11. Check out this stumbler. Her avatar is the picture your painting comes from.

  12. lovely beautiful blog!
    gorgeous photos!
    take care,

  13. Truly enjoyed you post today and have featured your blog at the Blog Buzz Directory.

    Blog Buzz

  14. Nice post, and I love the look of your blog. Rainy days are like relaxing times but sometimes it gets boring just to sit around or lay down inside the house.

    Sell WoW Account

  15. Hope you are okay!!! Really miss you and Twice Remembered!!!! Terri

  16. Hello,
    Thoroughly enjoy your blog - I began blogging last May and a big part of my beginning was your Cottage Charm Giveaway - I thoroughly enjoyed participating! I look forward to it again this year! I hope all is well
    and your day is good,
