Cottage Accessories Part Deux (or I Have Nothing More Interesting to Share)

Nothing exciting to report on the homefront today. Life and the cold weather is slowing us from painting those planks as much as we need to be now. Last night I spent hours on school related things...helping my oldest kidlet with pre-algebra (oy!), covering toilet paper rolls with white paper (of the non-absorbent variety), tracing and cutting out paper pretzels, priming a shoebox to be painted later today - all for my middle child's upcoming Octoberfest/Germany study. Hubs worked eight days straight...some emergency came up at his company and he couldn't get away for the weekend. He finally took today off and he's spending it with our youngest girl (they're out on their "date" now...). Tonight, we're having dinner with some dear friends who will be moving out of state in a few days, and before that, more homework/school-related things to do. Hubs says we may have to set up our plank painting station on our dining table (protected, of course). I foresee more mealtime chaos in our near future:)
So with no work related photos to post, I thought a share a few more cottage accessory photos. The other day, Kim from Daisy Cottage shared a photo of some sweet little Italian gold boxes she had. I told her that I would try and post a photo of an Italian gold box that I've had for many years, plus some Italian and Spanish gold mirrors. I bought the mirrors at a yard sale for $10 (for the set!) shortly after hubs and I got married and later found the gold box at another yard sale. The box isn't in great shape but I still enjoy having it. I pulled these mirrors out to photograph them but they've been wrapped up and stored for a while...excuse the dust! You can click on the photo to enlarge.
Even though we don't actually *have* a real working guest bathroom yet, when I run across things that I would like to use in there someday, I pick them up if I can afford it. I bought this little cabinet and shelf at Hobby Lobby a few months back. They are solid wood, distressed, and less than $40 for the both of them!
I found a couple of 12 X 12 inch plaster floral reliefs at a consignment shop recently....just $1.99 each. They're nice and heavy.
No, that's not me trying to make shadow puppets, lol, though I think it is my hand partially covering the flash. I had to precariously perch atop our kitchen countertop to snap this photo. I have this relief above our kitchen cabinets.
I have a weakness for colorful mosaic "anything" so I was happy to find this mosaic candle holder. I keep it in the bedroom beside the bed, but photographed it the bathroom because the lighting was a bit better...
I guess I'm going to go and try to be productive now, though while the house is empty it sure is tempting to find a good book and a warm corner!