Make Your Monday Week 11 - Add Your Link! + Are You Going to Blissdom?

I t's time for another Make Your Monday link event! Show us where your creativity has taken you lately by joining in! {see instructions - please use the proper "link back" coding for the Make Your Monday button below}
Before I go on, can I ask you if you'll be attending the Blissdom blogging conference here in Nashville next week? I don't have a ticket to the conference itself {I'm soooo going next year!} but I *will* be at the Blissdom cocktail party there at the Opryland Hotel on Thursday night followed directly by the Blissful Bites and Bubbles blog party held offsite. If you are going to be at either one this Thursday night, please let me know so that I can meet you!
Now, moving on! Here are some very creative and beautiful projects submitted last week - as usual, it was hard to narrow them down to a handful for tonight's spotlight! I realized as I was writing this post that several projects were Pottery Barn knock offs. I didn't plan that! I take my time throughout the week looking at the projects and making note of various ones...it just so happens that several of the ones I made note of were Pottery Barn inspired!
Cottage Guesthouse Tour @ Beneath My Heart

Ballard Inspired Burlap Foot Stool @ Pickles and Cheese

Brick Backsplash @ Moody Girl Projects
Milk Glass Cake Plate @ Made by Stephanie

Pottery Barn Inspired Cubby Organizer @ It's the Little Things That Make a House a Home

Pottery Barn Knock Off Chandelier @ Frugal Home Ideas
Chalkboard Paint Projects @ My Creative Attempts / Junk Style
Now let's have another creative Make Your Monday link event! To participate, just follow these 2 easy steps:
1) ~First, create a blog entry about something you made yourself. **Include in your blog entry a link back to this post so that others can discover this great list of Make Your Monday links and have an opportunity to contribute. To get this link, just click on the post title above and then copy the address that appears at the top of your browser.
2) ~Next, add your Blog name down below along with a short description of your project and then add the permalink of the blog entry about your project {not your blog homepage}. Where's the permalink? Just click on the title of your Make Your Monday entry and then copy the address that appears in the address bar and paste it down below. It should look something like this:
Don't worry if you come back and your blog isn't listed anymore. You can just make the needed adjustments and add your link again. You can grab the Make Your Monday button for your site, too, if you like.

That's it! We're looking forward to seeing what you've been up to! Have fun visiting all the creative projects below!
{This list will open on January 31 at 9pm Central time and will close on February 2, 12am central time}

Thanks for hosting!!!
Cindy at Lakewood
Thanks for featuring my cubby organizer! What a nice surprise!
Sadly, I am not going to Blissdom, but like you, I am sooooo going next year! :)
~Karla @ It's The Little Things...
I love all your spotlights. That guest house is amazing. Thanks for hosting.
Enjoyed your transformations. Great ideas.
I get in late Friday and will be attending Sat. I hope our paths cross :)
First time to link here.
thanks for hosting and for a great blog
barbara jean
I'm so excited about Blissdom! I'll be there! Hope we can meet!
Thanks for hosting!
BTW - I'm having a Valentine Linky Party if anyone wants to join the fun, I have giveaways too.
I would love to see you at the Cocktail party.. I am going and hope to see you there.
Great featured projects! My link up this week is not a PB knock-off, but actually using something I got from PB.
No, I'm not going to Blissdom. Getting married this year created other plans!
I hope to go to one sometime. Make sure to tell us all about it!
Kim I was not able to get a sponsor for Blissdom, so I wont be making it.....but PLEASE look for Flat TidyMom, I bet Cathe will be at those parties with her! http://www.tidymom.net/2010/01/flat-tidymom-is-going-to-nashville.html
Thanks so much for highlighting my guest house!
I am going to Blissdom. I will be arriving around 8:30 or 9:00 Thursday night, so I will probably be walking around the hotel looking for fellow bloggers! :)
Hope to see you!
Thanks so much for highlighting my guest house!
I am going to Blissdom. I will be arriving around 8:30 or 9:00 Thursday night, so I will probably be walking around the hotel looking for fellow bloggers! :)
Hope to see you!
I was going to link up, then discovered that what you mean by "being inspired" was different than what type of "being inspired" I'd posted about ... oh well.
I did like some of the items you featured this week!!
In case your curious what it was I was inspired about, go to: http://thebzhousethatlovebuilt.blogspot.com/2010/02/roaster-into-crockpot.html
Thought I posted but maybe not.
thanks for hosting
if i am on twice please take on off and sorry for bother
barbara jean
Thanks for the feature!! I love linking up every week!!
Creative content thanks for sharing it
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