Snow Day or "How We Spent The Great Snow Flurry of January 2010"

Wouldn't you agree that what really makes a home is not the color of the walls or the placement of the furniture, but the people and activites in it? Whether your home be new or old, regal or humble, finished or in a constant state of remodel {like Twice Remembered, ha!}, the memories made with those you love are truly what matter most in creating a place your family will always long to come home to. It's the little things, afterall...
Speaking of little things, we finally got some snow here in middle Tennessee! It wasn't much, but it was enough for the schools to declare a "Snow Day". We locals call it the The Great Snow Flurry of January 2010. That's about all we got - just a flurry! None-the-less, it was cause for big celebration here at home - a day to completely relish the little things!
{Don't tell anyone, but we don't comb our hair either...}
You can see on our deck the great "flurry" we received!
Never mind all the doors and trim and beadboard that need to be painted - pull out the sparkly snow pretties and enjoy the day!
If you squint a little, it looks like we got a lot of snow, but the slight covering we did muster was still beautiful.
Are you seeing that we really get into our "Snow Days" around here?
Zuzu helps to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies...
and I put on a little broth, onions, seasonings, and tomatoes to simmer for the day - the makings of tomato soup!
Is the kitchen starting to smell delightful, Ruby?
Great job, ZuZu! Now your dough is ready to be spooned and baked!
A game of Pictureeka while we wait for the cookies, anyone?
Oh Ruby, do you know how loved you are?
Cookies right out of the oven - is there any other way to eat them?
Snow days are perfect for crafting. Incidentally, this is how our dining table looks much of the time. I think my children were just born into the "project" mindset:)
While the children are crafting or playing in the "flurry", our critters enjoy some quiet time in the living room. See our birds, Sunny and Ginger, by the window?
Let's get a closer look at this sleeping little ball of adorable, shall we?
A craft project that's coming along nicely...a perfect paper penguin house!
Chocolate chip and sugar cookies? How did that happen? Again, I blame the Great Snow Flurry of January 2010.
Hot chocolate is much more delicious when you're sipping from cute little mugs, don't you think?
Ruby, are you thinking about dinner, too? It's about that time!
First I need to puree the soup...
and make sure it's nice and hot for hubs when he gets home. I've been making this soup for almost 17 years and it's one of his favorites!
You have to try it - I hope you like cheese on top!
I would love to know how you spend your snow days - or even just your winter days. Really, any day can be a special day at home, can't it? Why, you don't even need a Great Snow Flurry!
{I'm linking up to The Inspired Room's Winter Home link event...check it out!}
I will not be showing this post to my girls, they would be so jealous! We only had a dusting of snow here too and not even a delay. They came downstairs all excited and moaned when they realized school was still at 8. Snow days are the same here, jammies, cookies and fun.
Your snow day looked perfect.
Oh how I remember the snow days! Enjoy! They pass too quickly! Your doggie is adorable and looks like you had a fun day at your house! The soup looks divine and the cookies...well let's just say, they look scrumptious!!
Just a few hours north of you in Kentucky, we got a few inches of snow! So we have been having a snow day in our jammies too! I love your blog! It always makes me smile, and you have such a great sense of style! Thanks for sharing your charming life with us!
We have never had a snow day where I live but we have had heavy rain days were high waters will run through desert washes and cover roadways and make it impossible to get out and about...heavy rainy days are when I love to bake cookies, make something yummy for dinner and enjoy the family.
What an adorable way to celebrate snow days! I cannot wait to do something similar when my kids are older.
Lucky you..we had NO SNOW! Hope you have a FUN weekend and try to stay WARM in this COLD COLD weather!
How sweet!
Your post made me fall in love with snowy days, all over again.
Well, at least you got more that we did. All week, they told us a "Siberian Blast" was coming through with lots of snow. We got rain. But it has been extremely cold here.
Looks like you had a wonderful snow day. Great post!
I LOVED this post!
I spent the whole day watching for snow but nothing ever happened. :-(
I did see a few flakes for about five minutes last week though! :-)
I miss white winters, but I can't imagine moving back to Minnesota!
Glad you and the fam had a fun day!
Love your Flurry of 2010! It looks like a perfect day...we've been having snow days...Christmas vacation has lasted a little longer!
What a lovely, lovely, lovely day! Everything doesn't have to be perfect to create perfect memories. Go mom!
What a great post! And what an awesome mama you are....special memories of fun times. Bliss. Thanks for sharing with us!
What a delightful day! Where we live we don't get snow we have to drive up to the mountains about an hour away. I stay in my jammies all day everyday if I could. If we have no schedules on the weekend like soccer or softball we stay home and in PJ's. That's why I like summer so much you can do that!
I love being snowed in for the exact reason you did this post..life slows down and it is so relaxing and everyone is in the home zone..and its great..looks like you enjoyed your day..good for you!
That was the cutest post I have seen in a long time. You are right about how adorable Ruby is! Here ins Atlanta, we got a dusting, but bad ice. I took the photos to scrap but I think mine will be about centered on the ice instead of the flakes! Thank you for bringing us all a smile with this post!! (I'm a born and raised middle Tn girl (Old Hickory) outside Nashville and we used to get big snow storms when I was little back in the early 60's)
Looks like you had lots of fun staying warm in your cozy house. I would love to make that soup. Tomatoe is my favorite, but I have never made it from scratch. Would you be so kind as to share the recipe?
Last night we set a 20 year record low here in the DFW area of Texas. (We even had a White Christmas!) I just shared some pictures today of the ice on the fish pond... it is UNREAL.
Keep warm and enjoy your sweet family.
Wow, that's not much snow for a snow day! Up here in NH we have to get at least 8 inches before they call school off. We've only had one snow day so far.
I would love to try your tomato soup recipe!!
Your snow day looked lovely!
Our snow day tradition is to make homemade cinnamon rolls. We had around an inch in the N.GA mountains.
Wow, this sounds really exotic to me, as we here in Sweden has had snow up to our knees and more than -20 degrees celcius for several weeks now. :) But still I thought your days sounded very cosy. I liked the chocolate-cups!
Your day looks perfect! Snow days are just so cozy.
When life is cold, your daughters will have the memories of their mother's love and snow days to keep them warm. Thank you for sharing.
Snow days at your home look soooooo cozy! I love doing the same in my house, just watching snow out the window with hot cocoa and hot cookies is a perfect day to me!
What a fun day! My daughter loves to help bake cookies or cook dinner. Your Ruby is so cute. She looks a lot like my Athena. Don't you just love Doxies? Have a wonderful day!
What a fun day, and a fun post to read! Felt like we could smell the yummyness of those cookies! I posted a "snow day" at our house on Dec. 30th if you're interested. http://onceuponadandelion.blogspot.com/2009/12/snow-days-in-orangerie.html
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