Upcoming 4th Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway Information

One week. That's how much time is left until the 4th Annual {month long, blogwide} Cottage Charm Giveaway officially begins! Will you be joining this year?
For those that may have never heard of it, this is a multi-blog, month long event beginning Saturday, May 1st where bloggers give away on their blogs items they feel exhibit "Cottage Charm". Anyone can join at any point in May before the 29th. On May 29th, all participating bloggers will announce their winners and post it to their blogs. An ongoing list of ALL the giveaways and participating bloggers is maintained here at Twice Remembered during the entire month of May. {I'll be using MckLinky this year as I have with past Make Your Monday link parties...so you may already know how easily this works. Participants will simply add their Cottage Charm giveaway link to the list.} The list grows and grows the whole month of May as bloggers add their Cottage Charm Giveaway to their blogs.
To join, you simply:
1) at any point in May post on your blog what you are giving away - your "Cottage Charm Giveaway", and also post your own rules for your giveaway {for example, where you are willing to ship and how you want your readers to enter your drawing}.
2) include in your giveaway post a link back to the Twice Remembered entry containing the master list of all Cottage Charm giveaways {I will post the entry on Saturday, May 1st @ 8 am central time}.
3) come back here and add your link to the list of giveaways {Again, I will have the list available on May 1st @ 8 am central time.} Giveaways added without following step #2 will be deleted}
4) announce the winner of your giveaway on your blog on May 29th. Please no exceptions to this unless you need to end your giveaway a day or two later due to scheduling conflict. {**If you want to end a giveaway earlier than the 29th, please do not participate in this event. If I made an exception for one person, out of fairness I would need to make an exception for all. This would change the dynamics of the Cottage Charm Giveaway completely. I hope you understand.}
Finally, use your own definition of "Cottage Charm" for this giveaway- the possibilities are endless! You can give away books, your own crafts, thrift store finds, new items, yummy treats, gift certificates to your shop, vintage goodies...whatever to you represents cottage charm. Don't worry - you don't have to live in a cottage or personally decorate in cottage style. However, if you would like to give away something to those that do, please join in! Above is a little collage that I put together of some of my past Cottage Charm giveaways and for more inspiration, check out the links below...
3rd Annual {2009 - 68 giveaways}
2nd Annual {2008 - 54 giveaways}
1st Annual {2007 - 40 giveaways}
If you have any questions about the 4th Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway, please let me know. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!