A Craigslist Sob Story & Great Uses for Old Windows

A re you up to a Craigslist sob story? Ok then, get your tissues ready....
I found this huge picture window for free on Craigslist last Friday evening. The poster said that if it wasn't taken by Sunday, it was going to the dump! I don't have to tell you that I couldn't make the phone call fast enough to claim it. But there was no answer - I was transferred straight to voice mail. So I left my name and number and said that I was definitely interested but "could you please get back with me with the dimensions so that Are you up to a Craigslist sob story?I can make sure it fits in my van?" You see, I live close to an hour and a half from where the picture window was located, and I didn't want to get there to find that I just couldn't get it home. I was hoping that that I'd get a call back right away because hubs was prepared to take me down Friday night to fetch my beautiful new old picture window. But I heard nothing.
I called again on Saturday and again, straight to voicemail. I didn't leave a message, but I did send an email on Saturday evening asking if the window was still available. I still heard nothing - nothing until Monday, that is. I finally got an email back! The email read:
"Yep, I still have it."
Great! I was thrilled! I shot back another email right away saying again that I was very, very interested, that I had been looking for a long time for an old window this size, and 'could you please just let me know the dimensions so I can make sure it fits in my van'. And then for good measure, I also called - again - and left a message stating that I was one that had emailed and left a previous voicemail message and that I was, indeed, ready to take that window off their hands!
Just look at all the neat things you can do with old windows!Soooo, that was Monday and I haven't heard a peep since. *sigh* I'm just going to assume someone else claimed it {I don't like to think that it went to the dump - my goodness!} but I guess I may never know. *sniff* There will be more windows, though. That's the great thing about Craigslist!
In the meantime, just look at all the neat things you can do with old windows! They can be transformed into -
Room dividers...
Mirrors... {I think I might have done this with mine}

Architectural art pieces...

Picture frames...{I may have also done this - What a great idea!}


Glass doors for hutches and cabinets...

Shelving units...

Or even a darling glass house!

How sad that the bad-mannered window owner didn't get back to you! What a great find. Maybe there's still hope... good luck!
Sorry about the window. I actually found a second hand store about 5 minutes from me that sells windows from 5 to 15 dollars. I just bought one last week. Thanks for the inspiration.
Sorry to hear about your window. I don't understand why people do this. The same thing has happened to me before with a table. Very irritating. I hope you find another window.
I'm still holding out hope that you'll get it. It's an awesome window! Very strange that they wouldn't just get back to you. I like all of your examples here. Great post!
pk @ room remix
Well maybe something came up on their end.. but if it was meant to be, then it shall be. So, just do what comes natural to you and let the angels do the rest. I'm always amazed when I just let things go and poof there's something bigger and better right there in front of me! So tell hubs to hold on to his britches and to be ready!
Huggers my dear!
Maybe when you said it needed to "fit your van" he thought you wanted to install it in the van to replace a missing/broken window. I've seen that craziness before. He was only thinking of your safety..LOL
that hurts and I feel your pain
Maybe you'll still hear something. I'm sorry you missed out on that, Craigslist can be a heartbreaker! I lost out on an old door once and was so bummed so I know the feeling.
Great inspiration pics! I have an old window hanging in my dining room and I put a mirror behind it. It's one piece that I never tire of.
It is funny that you post this. I have tons of old windows, and 2 are sitting in my dining room right now ready for a hutch to be made, quite like the 1 in your picture. I know a guy that has like 5 of these big suckers for 40 bucks, but my hubby says I have enough windows. Insert cry here.
Here's another idea that I'm doing in my bathroom:
Press a bunch of flowers, order glass in the same dimentions of the glass already in the winow. Stick your pressed flowers between two window panes, and hang!
Great artwork!!
That is crazy that they wouldn't have called or e-mailed you right back....even just to say it was gone!
LOVE all of the awesome pictures!
That is a fabulous window! I've encountered some serious flakes on craigslist (as well as some great, completely legit people). Based upon this guy's flaky responses until now, you might still get the window! If not, something else will definitely come up.
I love using old windows around our home. Are you close to Nebraska... maybe I could share some of my stash with you! ;)
I totally relate to your Craigslist story! Cute window. I hope you get it!!
That is sad! I am on a look out for a salvage window as well! Maybe they will call you soon!!
Wow...this was a very rude person! I purchased a Laura Ashley couch from a lady this past summer via Craigs and the first few times I tried to make a connection she never responded. Several months later I saw the same couch listed again and so crossed my fingers and went for it. That time she connected. Not sure if life got in the way or what. Good luck next time hon.
That really stinks you didn't get your window. I wish the fella was a little more communicative with you about it!
I love all those ideas for uses of old windows.
I feel genuinely sad for you. :( Thank you for all those inspiring photos, though. I have a couple of windows to use, and I love seeing ideas. Here's the very first thing I did with an old window purchased off Craigslist: http://time-for-everything.blogspot.com/2008/02/my-favoritest-home-decor-project-ever.html
Ooo.... I hope you get it. We have a salvage barn full of old windows near my house. I always want to take a carload home.
We used an original window from our house as art. It's the most commented thing in our house when people come over. Check it out here. http://newlywoodwards.blogspot.com/2009/06/living-room-revamp.html
I am sorry about the window! I am hoping he will still call you back again...but if not, that you find another nice one soon! (I chuckled at your post title, because I have a couple Craigslist sob stories too! :)
I love all of the cute pictures showing the different things you can do with windows, too~ very inspiring! :)
I hope you are having a great week! :)
Don't forget about coffee tables! I'm working on another post about a new one we built but in the meantime here is the tutorial for the original one.
I hope you still get that window! It is beautiful!!!
Some people shouldn't even bother posting anything on craigslist :( I've had a similar issue. I love all the inspiring old window ideas!
I just cannot tell you how annoyed I get with people on craigslist that will not return emails/calls. Not just when I want to buy something, but when I've sold something! Eegads I had a woman give me $45 cash to hold an antique dresser for her til she got back from vacation. NEVER HEARD FROM HER AGAIN, even after several voice mails and emails. Finally sold it to someone else.
I hope you can find some windows you like. I have a set I'm brainstorming about right now...
Ouch, that hurts. Have you tried your local Habitat for Humanity store? I always find loads of old glass and screen windows, not to mention doors, too.
Hopefully you will find one just as lovely! I love that room divider and I have my heart set on a little glass house made of windows.
Mmmm....I LOVE vintage windows! Lovely pics! ;)
My sincerest sympathies for your window loss. ;) But thanks for flipping it into something positive for us.. love the window love!!!
I also have a cool pic of a greenhouse littered with a hundred old windows... it's really something what some can do!
(scroll 7 pics down)
Sharin' the window love, Donna!
I appreciate you all feeling my pain! Still no word, so I'm going to just wait for a better window to come along!
Oh, I really enjoyed all the links you shared about how you used your windows! I may be featuring those in a future post...thank you!
I love the old window used as a chalk board and room divider. I have some old windows that someone gave me for free, so you've given my some inspiration!
Oh that makes me sick for you! I'm so sorry. I did a post on old window panes a few months ago. I adore them!!!
Thanks for all the great ideas for old windows. I have a window from my great grandparents house that was built in 1915 and I looove changing it up!
I love your ideas for using windows they look so great. As a side note when using old windows that have paint on them you should really be cautious of Lead paint. It only takes a very small amount to poison a child, and old windows are on the top list of offenders! Just a thought
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