Highlights from Make Your Monday

I don't know if you caught the announcement last week, but just in case, Make Your Monday has been put on hold until somtime after the beginning of the year...I need to make a little more time to work on {and hopefully complete!} a couple of cottage style rooms - our kitchen and my studio. I hope you understand and I thank you so much for contributing your projects to Make Your Monday over the last couple of months. There is no end to your creativity!
Speaking of creativity, here are a few highlights from Week 7 of Make Your Monday.
Just look at this beautiful glass platter Annette of Our First Home created from vinyl lettering, stencil work, and gold leafing!
Miss Mustard Seed did a fabulous job on her bedroom makeover - it's so soothing and pretty!
How neat is this hidden storage area Keelie of Red Writing created in her dining area?!
Cindy of Cottage Instincts rescued a sad coffee table and turned it into this lovely piece of beauty!
These are the sweetest tins Ice House altered for her kitchen - I love them!
Take a look at this neat art piece using an antique map and old window created by Let It Shine - how clever!
If you haven't yet gotten a chance, make sure you check out all the participants from last week. There were so many great projects and I know they'll inspire you as they have me!
This week I'm working on my studio floor makeover. I'll be sure to have some photos for you when I'm finished. Can anyone guess what I'm doing in there? {Remember, we have a tile floor in there.}
Happy Monday, everyone!
I love getting great ideas from others. I'm in love with the old map with the window framing it! That is such a cool idea. I will definitely be doing that for an office or something. Thanks for sharing:)
im excited to see your floor! i have been busy making projects for my harvest party .come see!
Thanks for the mention! Sorry to hear about Make Your Monday, but I totally understand. Have a great time on your projects and I can't wait to see some results!
Thanks for highlighting my happy little table. I will miss Make Your Monday, but totally understand. I'll look for it again after the holidays...and in the meantime, will be following your posts here in my reader.
Those are some great highlights! Thanks, Kim, for adding my link to the list last week. I'm going to have to figure out how to do that on my own! I'm sure it can't be too difficult. :) I am amazed at how many people dropped by and are still dropping by my blog from following that link! Sorry to hear about the ending of Make Your Monday, but I hope you have fun finishing up your own projects around your house! :) Have a great day!
Thanks so much for featuring my plate! I was new to Make Your Monday and I will look forward to its return. I'll be sure to follow your blog in the meantime. Thanks again.
Some TV show needs to depict blog land's crafty, clever bloggers who repurpose and repaint and make things so darned pretty! Sounds like a hit reality show to me!
Oh I am so going to miss your Monday inspiration. I hope you are still going to be blogging.
I loved your "whats on your fridge" I love what is on mine currently and have posted about it. Do yo mind if I steal your little them? I have been looking for something to write about on Tues. and this would be so much fun if you don't mind. I tried to send an email to you but it wouldn't work for me.
Anyway thanks and have a great week and enjoy all those redo's and don't stay away too long. Till Jan. really? I bet you can do it faster! Good luck.
So many people entered!
I'm gonna miss it, but I can't wait to see your kitchen when you'll feel it's "okay" to say it is done....
and the studio too!
I love that map window, too! My fave is that coffee table. Check out my blog, http:/mamacancraft.blogspot.com/
tomorrow morning for a surprise! :)
Thank you for mentioning my dining room--so honored..Love your blog and those can't-eat-treats you make are unbelievably stunning!
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