What Is On Top of My Fridge

I thought it might be interesting to blog about "what is on the top of my fridge"...
It seems to be the place where I stick things when I can't find another available surface.
But as I was taking these photos, I thought about how sometimes we may assume...
That the homes we visit online are "picture perfect" all the time.
But I just wanted you to know...
That with three kids, two birds, two dogs, a husband, and my own {messy} self...
That this is what is on top of my fridge...
And this is usually what's below it!
Have a great weekend, everyone, and look for the highlights from Make Your Monday this weekend!
Edited in response to some of the comments below: Thanks, girls! Oh, I'm sure you all would fall over if you know how this house gets away from me sometimes! That on top of every single room being in some state of remodel. It's cleanest for company and photos, otherwise I'm afraid it's a neverending battle with clutter, toys, laundry, dust, and dog hair tumbleweeds! {I haven't yet learned how to stay ahead of the dust besides dusting every single day - but that's not happening} And did I mention that we have a mouse or two that must be the Einstein and Houdini of the rodent world because they have been impossible to trap! Ugh! Yes...just keeping it real!
LOL I love this post. The top of your fridge is lovely. I absolutely love the look of your kitchen. I'm thinking I need to paint my cabinets red. :)
Not so bad on the top of your fridge. I just did a quick peek at mine and there are 2 things on it, a nylon cooler and an empty soda can box. Ha. You are doin just fine.
My fridge is built in as a cabinet in the kitchen so I'm safe. LOL Actually I don't think the top of your fridge looks bad. It looks like a lovely vignette to me. Thanks for sharing. This was a fun post. Have a great weekend. ~ Sarah
I think it looks kind of nice actually. :-) Its much better then mine, which is a half inch of dust and a million art projects that moved from the front of the fridge to the top.
Hilarious, last photo. The top of your fridge looks lovely. I finally broke my family of piling everything that did not have a place on top of the fridge. But now I have the same problem. They dump it on the counters!
o this is a great post!i have cereal above mine!
I'm so glad that you have some "junk" at your house. Makes me feel better.
Ha Ha! LOL - That was awesome. Looks JUST like my place (except a TON better actually). I'll have one or two completely beautiful and "perfect" areas, right next to a pile of toys and mail!
Mine is also built into a cabinet, but I manage to cram trays and cutting boards up there...yours looks perfect! Now the last pic I can relate to...why so my counters always look like that!?
heehee, good to know even the most perfect homes have some secrets. i love the fridge- i do the same. unfortuntely the 'clutter' isn't as picture perfect as yours... ;) we should all have a kitchen party!
LOL! Love your fridge top! I could do an almost identical post!
I LOVE all the goodies and pretties that you have displayed....my question, one that I have always wanted to ask someone with a "pretty house"......how do you keep it all clean, dust free and well....pretty! How long does it take you to clean? Maybe I just need a house keeper! LOL!! :D
You've done a great job of making that stuff on the fridge look like you did it completely on purpose! As for the other "stuff"... no real, working kitchen is "magazine ready" all the time... or ever! A perfect kitchen that looks like nothing ever happens there has no soul. Yours has lots!
Thank you for keeping it real!
Thanks, girls! Oh, you all would fall over if you know how this house gets away from me! That on top of every single room being in some state of remodel. It's cleanest for company and photos, otherwise I'm afraid it's a neverending battle with clutter, laundry, dust, and dog hair tumbleweeds! {I haven't yet learned how to stay ahead of the dust besides dusting every single day - but that's not happening!}
I love it! I love everything on your fridge but I love most of all that you kept it real! That is how life is for most of us: Some things are very pretty and neat and other things are often a mess from "living" in your house! Have a great weekend!!!
Love it, love it! It's so great to see the "real" side of bloggers. Things aren't all perfect around here either. You should see the amount of cropping I do some days. We have the same problem here, toys, dog hair, dust, etc. I can't seem to keep on top of the dust either. A lot of times the kids want to dust for allowance but you know the job they do. lol I have a cabinet on top of the fridge but there is a space so I put a shallow basket that becomes the catch all for "stuff."
I can't put ting son top of my fridge, I had the carpenter build a closure over it to prevent my using it. You kitchen is lovely, warm & lived in ... the way a home should be. You are so cute ...
TTFN ~Marydon
You have the prettiest top of the fridge that I've ever seen. Mine has a wine rack filled with wine...so, certainly one of my favorite things, but certainly not as pretty!
hay hay,
Nothing wrong with a bit of clutter, LIfe is for living, I've met a few clean clutter free folks in my lifetime and how boring!
the best is yet to come,
Thanks for your visit to my blog. I enjoyed getting a chance to visit you! Have a lovely weekend! ~Mandy
I didn't see any dust up there....mine probably has about an inch on it....lol
I think the top of your fridge looks great!
Okay, so now I need to go organize the top of my fridge! Yours is lovely!!! Thanks for sharing!
I was just looking at the top of my fridge today and wondering what I could do. It has been overlooked and catching dust for some time. Your vignette is inspirational. Great post!
Thank you. Great post. Great pics too. Love the red and white and vintage all over of the top of your fridge.
Well, I just have to say that the top of your fridge is quite lovely! As for the rodents, I saw this commercial the other day on TV where they showed this new little thing you just put down, they go inside, and you get rid of. Wish I'd listened to what it was called. Sounds "clean" if there's a clean way to dispose of a rodent.
I just love your arrangements. You must have the best time "playing" with all of your things. Thanks for sharing your play time with us!
I too love this post! Nice to hear that I'm not the only one whose house gets away from them! I've only got enough space on top of my fridge for a pizza stone...and dust!
Thanks so much for this post!! It makes me feel a little better about all the toys, mail, shoes, and strange stuff that collects in my kitchen. I do have to say that I don’t have any problem keeping stuff from gathering on top of the fridge…that’s cause there’s a TV on top of it, and lord forbid if we block the view!!! LOL. Love your sweet vignette!
I've got teapots on the top of my fridge! :D
This is such a great post - thank you for the dream of the perfect home and bringing us back to reality to make us all feel good! I could photograph my fridge top and my cabinets all day long but I'd die if you could see the dog hair "dust bunnies" that collect all around the baseboards each week! I love your items above the fridge :)
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