Cottage Studio Layout and Color

So far, I'm very pleased with what's been happening in the studio the last couple of weekends. Though I wish work could go a little faster, I guess I'll have to work on being content with slow and steady instead. The ceiling is 99% complete with just a little touch up work and fan and light installation to go. On Saturday, hubs was finally able to find my Krylon brown camouflage paint (which looks just like oil rubbed bronze when topcoated with a matte sealer) and the fans and lights will be complete as soon as I seal them. I've been working on my chairs. I *thought* I took a good before shot of them but I can't find the photos anywhere on the computer. I have one chair left that I haven't worked on so I'll be sure to photograph it beside one of the "new" madeover chairs for comparisons sake. Here is a snapshot that I was able to find, along with some old table legs I'm planning on using for my desk. These chairs where probably pretty back in the 70's, don't you think? Now, though, they're just...Ugh! I have four of them and they came with a small dining room set that I bought at Goodwill quite a while ago. The table and four chairs were just $20, I do believe! I cut the table legs down and it became my coffee table for the living room, but I wasn't quite sure where I'd use those chairs. The studio will be the perfect place! I just can't believe what paint can do for outdated furniture.
I thought you might be interested in knowing what the layout of my new space will be. My studio space is small and just about every square inch will be utilized. In the middle of the room will be a rolling work table (with leaves that fold down). I decided that since we never use one of the big sliding doors and because I have so little wall space to begin with, a work table and shelving unit will completely cover it up. I'm just going to add white light blocking roller blinds to the glass doors (for a cohesive view from the exterior) and treat it as a wall. It will completely disappear once the units are in place. I get plenty of light from the other sliding door on the opposite side of the room and there are three small windows (six total) near the ceiling on both sides of the room as well.
I said I would wait until the room was painted before I'd reveal the new room color, but that probably won't be until this weekend and I just don't want to wait! I've painted the corners of the room and several large "samples" on all the walls. Did anyone guess Robin's Egg Blue? Yummmm! This photo doesn't do the color justice, but I'm absolutely thrilled with it. I designed a new banner for my future shop and my walls will coordinate with it:)
On the business front, I've been far too busy working on the studio to create much - and most of my supplies are boxed up. But I did finally make something I've been wanting to try for a while now. They are custom cupcake wrappers.I call them Cupcake Hugs! I'm going to have a lot of fun making these:)
I hope everyone is having a good week so far!