Wow - thank you all so much for your nice comments about the penguin cake I made back in December! It really was so much fun, but I think it will be a *long* time before I do another!
And thank you for your continued patience with me and my scant blog entries. This is just the way it is in the winter for me. I slooooooow down and basically just take a long winter break. Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to spring.
Hubs brought me some lovely flowers last week and I couldn't help but to start getting excited about springs upcoming arrival. It motivated me to spruce the place up a bit (well, whatever one can do while living in a torn apart fixer, anyway). We recently celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary and as part of the "celebrating", I made a huge turkey dinner for our family day. So it was nice having the place come a live and seem a little spring like, especially on our special day. The weather was unusually warm, too - in the mid-60's that day!
Here are a few shots one little vignette...Come on spring!

Oh, and just for is the turkey spread from that night. We're *still* eating leftovers a week later! I think I was most excited about the rolls - I found an awesome recipe that I'll try to share soon. I LOVE my bread machine (see it below on the cooler?). Even though it basically just kneaded the roll ingredients together, it saves me so much time. And for loaves of bread, I just love how it does everything, baking and all. Wouldn't trade it for anything!

I put the girls in charge of decorating and setting the table. They did a great job, don't you think?!

There are still a few snowflakes hanging from our ceiling from our party in December. The kids wanted to leave them up, but I'm slowly, one by one, pulling them down:) We made about a hundred of them - can you imagine!

I hope everyone has a great week!