A is for....

I've been wanting to post about another clock transformation that I recently worked on and I thought the fun My Project Under $15 link event at Maman Tattoos, Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage, DIY Day at Kimba's Soft Place to Land and Hooked on Fridays at Hooked on Houses would be a perfect reason to write about it today.
Back a couple of years ago, I found this little large beauty behind the counter at Goodwill. I asked to see it and it only took me a nanosecond to tell the cashier I was buying it. It came from Ballard Design and the original price sticker on the back of the clock says: Catalog Price - $289, Outlet price $215. Wow! I don't how much the person who had the clock before me paid for it, but do you want to know how much I shelled out at Goodwill that day?Don't you love finding good things in your closet...?
Uh-huh. You read it correctly - just $12.99!
The color, though, was all wrong for my cottage. My original plan was to paint it in an oil rubbed bronze finish similar to this clock at Pottery Barn. But I didn't have a place for the clock at the time, {and really, I still don't, though we are working on that}. So I stored the clock away until I discovered it in the back of my closet a couple of weeks ago. {Don't you love finding good things in your closet, as opposed to not-so-good things like - say - a mouse...or a sandwich?}
I thought the face was just fine as it was, so I removed it and put it aside so that I could work on the rest of the clock.
After a couple of coats of Rustoleum's Colonial Red, which I already had on hand, and some antiquing glaze - also in my d-i-y arsenal, she was transformed before my very eyes. From green and dowdy to...
Red and radiant!
I think she wears red really well, don't you?!
So total cost? $12.99 for the clock + the paint and glaze I already had on hand = Less than $15!
{Um. Is it just me or does the clock look bigger red than it did when it was green? *scratches head*}
Check out all the other inexpensive projects and even join in yourself by clicking on the buttons below! Have fun!
A little earlier this summer, hubs and a friend intalled a new front door that really suits my cottage style. It took a while to convince hubs that using a door like this as a front door was really okay. He seemed to think it belonged only on the side or back of the house. In my desperate attempts to sway him, I was fortunately able to find photos in magazines and online that showed french style doors used as front doors. I think he's pleased with the door afterall. The little entry way at our front door as you come into the house was always very dark, but now all the extra light really brightens the space and it doesn't feel so much like a cave anymore. We haven't painted the door yet - we'll probably do that in the spring when we work on the exterior of the house, but for now, I think it looks 100% better compared to the old door metal door from the 70's that was there before! Now all the extra light really brightens the space...
Now, I have some good news and some bad news about Make Your Monday! Which do you want to hear first? The good? The bad?
Ok, we'll talk about the bad first and get it out of the way: I won't be hosting any Make Your Monday link parties for the next 2 to 3 weeks because that's about how long my mother will be staying with me. She's been visiting my aunt up until now, but she arrives here on Sunday. I haven't seen her in a couple of years and we have a lot of catching up to do! Also, I will be doing the Make Your Monday link parties through October but won't be hosting any in the months of November or December. I hope you understand and I know that you'll enjoy participating in all the other wonderful link parties that take place throughout the week on various blogs. If you want to know where those are, just look in my side bar near the bottom under where it says Events.
Now the good news - actually, the GREAT news is that we had 44 projects submitted for this weeks event! That's just...awesome! Thanks to each and every one of you who submitted, and let me tell you, many who have found my site through a search engine end up spending a lot of time going through the Make Your Monday links. It's just so very inspiring, and yes, even a little addictive!
So on to this weeks highlights! Let's get started!
Amanda at The Worthy House made darling lamp shades from ribbon...{red polka dot! *swoon*!}
Ashley at Shanty2Chic transformed a ho-hum clock into an eye catching show piece...
Christina at The Esselman Family created a piece of art that would rival the Pottery Barn version anyday!
Lyssa at the Crafty Clique made the sweetest baby boys quilt. Again, I'm a sucker for polka dots and chocolate brown!
Cindy at Cottage Instincts is a girl after my own heart with these adorable custom clothespins she made! I LOVE the vintage looking papers she used!
And now we have Jennifer at The Old Painted Cottage who has toiled alongside her husband for the past year turning their first home into their dream cottage. They aren't finished yet, but I guarantee you that what they've been able to accomplish in the last 12 months will knock your socks off! Here is just a taste of their big reveal....Simply amazing!
For more photos and info on all of today's featured Make Your Monday bloggers, please be sure to visit their blogs and say hello! And if you haven't gotten a chance already, check out the rest of the fabulous Make Your Monday links from this week. Thank you to all that joined in!
And remember, Maman Tattoo is having a great link party on Wednesday {tomorrow} and the theme centers around projects that cost less that $15. I hope you are able to join in on the fun!
t's time for another Make Your Monday link event! Show us where your creativity has taken you lately by joining in! And don't forget - in honor of our creativity, The Katillac Shack will be having a $100 Hobby Lobby Giveaway! So make sure you stop by there and sign up to win!
To participate in Make Your Monday, just follow these 3 easy steps:
1) ~First, create a blog entry about something you made yourself. **Include in your blog entry a link back to this post so that others can discover this great list of Make Your Monday links and have an opportunity to contribute. To get this link, just click on the post title above and then copy the address that appears at the top of your browser.
2) ~Next, add your Blog name down below along with a short description of your project
3) ~Lastly, below your blog name/project description, add the permalink of the blog entry about your project {not your blog homepage}. Where's the permalink? Just click on the title of your Make Your Monday entry and then copy the address that appears in the address bar and paste it down below. It should look something like this:
've been neck deep in fall cleaning this week but finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! I haven't been able to make anything {unless messes count} so I thought I'd share a project from May. Freeze Frames!
No, I'm not having an 80's music flashback! I'm really talking about frames for your freezer and fridge. I've had this idea rolling around in my head for awhile...actually, it's not an original idea as I'm sure if you look hard enough, you can purchase something similar...but I thought, why not make it myself? So here's an easy "Make Your Monday" project that will have the front of your fridge spruced up in no time!
For this project, you'll need some picture frames (with or without glass), super glue, some strong rare earth disc magnets, and photo mats if you like. I buy my magnets on Ebay, by the way. I've been collecting those old vintage and vintage style metal picture frames from Goodwill for a little while now and I like them because they are lightweight. You can use just about any frame but remember, the heavier the frame, the stronger the magnets need to be.
Here is my pile o' frames before I altered them:
I also found a good sized wooden frame...
I pulled off all the frame "stands". This is so that the frames will lie flush against the fridge.
Then I removed the backs and all the glass and painted the frames. I used my favorite brown that you see on so many of my projects like my studio ceiling fan, gumball machine, and other accessories - Rustoleum's camouflage brown spray paint. I did not prime the frames but I would recommend it for durability.
Next, I flipped the frames over and superglued the magnets to the corners of the frames. It's important to let the glue fully cure for a day or so before using. Notice that I used bigger magnets for the bigger, heavier frame.
Now the frames are ready to adorn your fridge! For the larger frames that I used for my kids' art, I did not use the glass. I'll be changing out the art frequently so it makes it so much easier to just be able to pop a new piece of art behind the frame. For the smaller "word" frames, I did use the glass as I won't be changing those out as much. Either way works so long as you use stronger magnets to support the added weight of the glass. But if you have young children that like to bang on large appliances, maybe you shouldn't use the glass:)
I used photo mats in a few of my frames for a nice clean look. You can use these "freeze frames" for art, frequently used recipes, poetry...oh, and photos! The possibilities are endless!
It thrills the kids to see their artwork displayed so beautifully - the frames make them appear even more special than they already are!
Now, for all the paperwork that usually goes on the side of my fridge...do you think they make magnets strong enough for me to stick a filing cabinet there? Just keeping it real folks...just keeping it real:)
live in a house.
But not a red house.
I live in a blue house...
That will someday be red...
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