Do You 'Pinterest'? {An Inspiration Sharing Website}

"Everything you can imagine is real." -Pablo Picasso
Perhaps it's because I'm usually the last to know...perhaps it's because I don't spend enough time online researching the niftiest sites and resources available to those of us who like nifty sites and resources...or perhaps it's both - but I am just now discovering the beauty of an inspiration sharing site called Pinterest. What is Pinterest? From their FAQ page:
"Think of Pinterest as a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love and "follow" collections created by people with great taste... We know you have great taste in something. Our mission is to make Pinterest the best place for you to share your taste with the world."
Sounds intriguing, yes? I love that you can create your own collections, or "boards" and then "pin" the photos and ideas you love to the appropriate board. For instance, my boards so far are 'Home Decor', 'Home Exterior and Garden','Party Decor', 'Sweets and Such', 'Tutorials', 'Fashion', 'Quotes', 'Humor'...and probably some more that I'm forgetting...and I'm just getting started! When I find photos I like either on Pinterest or other places on the web or on my computer, I can 'pin' them to one of my boards. Then, whenever I pin anything, anyone that is my Pinterest follower will see what I pin - and can have the option to pin the photo to one of their own boards, comment on it, 'like it', or do nothing at all. :) Come to think of it, it's kind of like a visual Facebook or Twitter for photos and ideas! I sure hope all this makes sense...ha!
Months ago, I did stumble upon Pinterest and "requested an invite". I didn't get one {seems maybe they were trying to slowly add members?} and I just kind of forgot about all of it, not really even knowing what it was. But last week, I requested an invite once again and got accepted in a day or so. I *think*, though, that whoever I personally invite to Pinterest gets accepted immediately. It seems that way so far, anyway.
Soooo..... if you have not joined Pinterest but would like a personal invite, email me your email address and I'll send you one! You don't have to have a personal invite to join, of course, but hopefully you'll get to join up faster if you do have one.
If you are already a Pinterest member {or you aren't but you'd still like to see} , check out my boards {so far} at http://pinterest.com/TwiceRemembered/ and if you are interested in following me there, I'd be honored! {I follow back!}
Below are just a few of the photos that I've pinned in the last few days. Really, anything that you can imagine finding in a glossy magazine, you'll find on Pinterest. It's the best of the web {each photo contains a link to it's original source on the web, which I love for additional photos and info, such as for tutorial instructions,etc.} with fresh inspiration added by hundreds or thousands of people daily.
Can you tell I'm hooked? If you are hooked, too, or get hooked, let me know!
P.S. Ruby is getting better. She can walk some on soft surfaces and the grass, but is having a harder time with the hardwood floors. She'll get there! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and well wishes!