Make Your Monday Week 15 - Add Your Link!

I t's time for another Make Your Monday link event! Show us where your creativity has taken you lately by joining in! {see instructions - please use the proper "link back" coding for the Make Your Monday button below}
Here are a few projects that I especially enjoyed from last week. Please take a moment to check them out!
Modge Podge Magnet Tutorial @ The Tidy Nest
Dollar Store Bird Remake @ A Lovely Place to Land
Bird in Branch @ Diamond in the Rough
Not So Lazy Suzan @ Bird Crafts
A New Take on Family Rules @ My Backyard Eden
Contact Paper Chalkboard @ Northern Cottage
Cabinet Door Makeover @ Noting Grace
Flea Market Artwork You Can Do @ Three Ring Cottage
Now let's have another creative Make Your Monday link event! To participate, just follow these 2 easy steps:
1) ~First, create a blog entry about something you made yourself. **Include in your blog entry a link back to this post so that others can discover this great list of Make Your Monday links and have an opportunity to contribute. To get this link, just click on the post title above and then copy the address that appears at the top of your browser.
2) ~Next, add your Blog name down below along with a short description of your project and then add the permalink of the blog entry about your project {not your blog homepage}. Where's the permalink? Just click on the title of your Make Your Monday entry and then copy the address that appears in the address bar and paste it down below. It should look something like this:
Don't worry if you come back and your blog isn't listed anymore. You can just make the needed adjustments and add your link again. You can grab the Make Your Monday button for your site, too, if you like.
That's it! We're looking forward to seeing what you've been up to! Have fun visiting all the creative projects below!
{This list will open on February 28 at 9pm Central time and will close on March 2, 12am central time}
Edited to add: If you don't know about it already, please check out a really fun contest, "So You Think Can Decorate" sponsored by Alchemy Junk. This contest is going on for the next few weeks and each week, you are able to vote for your favorite decorating projects. Let me tell you, this isn't going to be easy considering the talent of the contestants! This is the first week of the contest, so make sure you drop in and join the fun!