Instagram, Anyone?

I want to thank you all for your words of support and encouragement in my last post, A New Journey. It means so much to hear from you, and very inspiring to read your comments regarding the fact that Twice Remembered was one of the first blogs you subscribed to. :) It is also endearing to me that you understand change and moving on and will be moving along with me. I don't know what the future holds, but I certainly have goals and am very excited about what's in store.
Right now, I'm a full time cake decorator. {Did you see that coming???!} My job is to make desserts, so not very many complaints there, other than I have a lot less time than I once did. I've been on my own for a little over a year, since Valentine's Day of last year in fact {after moving in with my folks for three months}, and I can't believe the positive changes that have taken place in my life since then. It has been scary at times, I have to admit. {see cell phone photo below, snapped post-separation/ pre-divorce when I was sleeping on a mattress on the floor of my old Twice Remembered studio, in the midst of trying to figure out my next move} I was a stay at home mother for almost 20 years and any work that I did was part time and from home...plus it certainly wasn't work that I had to do to keep a roof over my head. So I've had to hurry-quick learn to be self-sufficient, which is a very, very, GOOD thing. I'm growing, as we all are.
As I mentioned in my last post, I'm working on a new blog, or at least a new blog design. I've been on the fence about whether or not to stay "here" and just change the scenery or to move entirely. Your input would be greatly appreciated.
In the meantime, please join me on my instagram page...See Twila Dream {Twila has always been my creative name that I've added to paintings, etc. for years, thus the name of my instagram account.} I'll also be posting here until the new blog is ready.
Before I go, check out this dining table that I found at Goodwill last week for only $19.99. {Yes, $19.99...crazy, right?!} It's an old solid and heavy Duncan Phyfe table that is screaming makeover. I've bought the paint and am ready to dive in. Stay tuned...and Happy Saturday!