Flea Market Bound + PIcking Up New Interior Doors

You may find this hard to believe, but I haven't been to the flea market in probably two years. I know that if I went there frequently, we'd have no money to finish this neverending remodel, so I play it safe and just don't go often:) Besides, I just have to box everything up and store it for now anyways. But Friday (today), I'm Flea Market Bound! I still won't be lugging back furniture or higher ticketed items because the Flea Market is just a pitstop for me before we head down to pick up our pine interior six-panel doors. We'll be buying all of the oil rubbed bronze door knobs we'll need while we're there, so my flea market budget is pretty pinched. (Fiddlesticks!) But we'll see if I can find a special something with an itty bitty "renovator's budget":) The weather is going to be gorgeous, I won't have the kidlets, and I love a good hunt!
Before I sign off, please check out a new decorating/remodeling blog that I've recently discovered. It's called A Charmed Life and is written by a new blogger named Dawn. She says on her website... "I just recently purchased my first home and am busy remodeling and decorating. I am inspired by magazines, HGTV, books, and of course other women's blogs! I want my home to feel warm and welcoming and to be a special place for my family." Now, I've probably gone and embarassed her (sorry, Dawn!) but I love it when a new and inspirational house blog gets discovered! She just started writing this month and has lots of nice photos and project ideas already...check it out!
I think it was you that recommended Southeastern Salvage Home, was it not? That's where you're picking your doors up I believe. I just want to say thank you for that tip. My husband was in Birmingham on business last month and he stopped by because we are replacing our interior doors and he couldn't believe the prices for solid pine doors vs the HD price!
Can't wait to see your doors with the rubbed bronze door knobs!
Hi Kim,
Thanks for that wonderful introduction to all of your blog friends! I'll tell you a little secret - I really started this blog because my friends that live here locally get tired of hearing about my remodeling projects! So it's so nice to hear when people (and complete strangers at that!) get excited right along with me! And I love the feedback! Anyways, I hope you have fun at the flea market - we're anxious to see what cute thing you find!
A Charmed Life
Thanks for sharing all these new blogs with us. I really enjoy yours too!
Hey Kim!
Hope you were able to find something when you went to the flea market. I havent been to one of those in eons! It was rare to run across one in Louisiana, but they were plentiful back in Florida where I grew up. We used to go all the time! Even when I was a kid what was it I looked for? Antiques and old books! LOL! Figures huh?
I would like to see what your doors look like!
OH did you hear Mich had her baby girl? Cute little thing, only 6lbs/6oz!
Been thinking of you! Ta Ta for now! =)
I can't wait to see some pictures from your treasure hunt! You always post such nice pics. And new doors too!!!!!
I couldn't tell you the last time I went to a flea market...it's been ages! Love your photo...Nel
Am patiently waiting to see how much money you saved with your flea market budget and what you couldn't resist.
Been there done that!
Hi, everyone! Glad you all enjoy the link...so much decorative talent out there! And I've just posted pics of my flea market finds..it was so fun being there!
Jessica, I didn't know that! I'll have to pop on over and congratulate her - thanks for letting me know! Oh, I know what you mean about the old books and antiques...they are my weakness!
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