"When the Crape Myrtle Blooms"

When the beautiful crape myrtle blooms
and the bumble bees still,
I slip outside
(and if the tree abides)
my summer dreams fulfill.
I always look forward to bringing in a bouquet or two of crape (or crepe) myrtle blooms each summer. They are so beautiful and delicate and oh so aromatic! I tucked into my bouquet a few sprigs of my fresh rosemary and it really adds a layer of aroma and beauty, in my opinion.
I am so embarrassed to say that I didn't have my yard sale this weekend (again!). I will speak of it no more until after it's done and over. Quite frankly, I was exhausted this week from our trip. When I ran out of sticky labels for the items I was labeling earlier this week, I decided then and there that I just needed a break for a few weeks and sufficient time to rest and putz about the house, catching up on neglected chores, frivolities, and such. It was just as well that I didn't have a yard sale this weekend because as I was working out in the gardening beds near the end of this past week and toward the weekend, I came down with the most dreadful case of sun poisoning. Each and every time I attempted to be outside, no matter how little time I spent out there, I broke out in a horrible, itchy, and painful rash. Imagine my horror when yesterday, shortly after arriving at our place of worship, I again broke out despite wearing long sleeves (part of my neck was still exposed - and that's where I broke out). I'm sure all my friends (especially mothers with young children) were not a little concerned - I'm telling you, I looked hideous!
So no more outside activity during the day until my skin is well. I'm coming to terms with the fact that never in my life will I have a beautiful golden tan. I never tanned as a child (had sun poisoning a time or two then, too) and have never tanned as an adult. It's burn and peel, burn and peel... I will work hard from now on at protecting my skin while trying to appreciate it's pasty-like porcelain-like appearance.In the evenings, though, hubs and I have been able to work on our front full sun landscaping bed and I'm so excited about it! Hubs was a sweetheart and planted most of the new plants this weekend. I laid out the gardening plan and dug many of the holes. My favorites are the new delphiniums (photo to the left not mine) - they will grow to be be over 4 feet high! And I love the color...everything about a delphinium just seems so....cottage, don't you think?! As the garden fills in more, I may share photos if I can keep everything alive. Many of my perennials from last year, like my Prairie Dusk, came back, so that's a good sign! This year, I planted coreopsis, black-eyed susans, daisies, oregeno, ,sweet basil, and I don't even remember the names of the others... Next year, I would like to attempt a very small food garden out back, but I've said that every year, hehe. A few people have told me that food is so much easier to grow that flowers, and if that's the case, I'm looking forward to raising a small kitchen garden!
This weekend, Hubs also replaced our pitiful, poor old mailbox. It came with the house and is probably just as old as the house. I don't know why we're only just now replacing it but let me tell you, the kids were thrilled about it. Why? I don't know. I'm really excited, too. My father-in-law has a machine that cuts vinyl (for decals for signs, automobiles, etc.) and I may try and commission him to cut the words "The Twice Remembered Cottage" for me in a really pretty font, and maybe the lady and bird graphic (that's near the top of my blog) to go on the mailbox.
Right now it's just a blank canvas. It also needs some flowers along the base, don't you think?
One of my kidlets asked me to make apple cinnamon muffins this weekend so I obliged. These are so yummy...the Easy Apple Cinnomon Muffin Recipe is from Allrecipes.com but I changed the topping because the original topping as stated in the recipe didn't seem to go over well with reviewers. If you try this recipe, try the following for a sweet, crunchy, crumbly topping.... (also, double the muffin recipe and topping recipe for 12 or more muffins - the original is just for six)
Crumbly Cinnamon Topping for Apple Cinnamon Muffins:
Crumbly Topping:
1/4 c light brown sugar,
1/4 c all purpose flour,
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon,
pinch of salt,
3 tablespoons of oats,
2 tablespoons of butter
Crumble in 2 tablespoons of butter into dry ingredients and sprinkle on muffins before baking.
Here is how mine turned out....a family favorite for sure!
What a pretty flower. Love your pitcher too. I collect those. ;)
Oh Kim! You were one busy "bird" this weekend. I'm so sorry you got sun poisoning and hope you are feeling better very soon. You and I can enjoy together for I too have that "porcelain" skin. LOL! And where I live it's sun, sun, sun! I love crepe myrtles and we are thinking of putting one in our front yard to replace the old maple we had to remove. I love the white pitcher you used for your arrangement. Enjoy your blooms!
I love your poem, the blooms, and the muffin looks delish!
I am having my 1-Year Blogoversary & Giveaway. Pop on over.
You have a sun rash. You need to use sunscreen with both UVA and UVB protection. Nutragena makes one, but they are getting more and more common now.
Your blog is just lovely. I always love to make flower arrangements but I just couldn't bring them inside unless I have to put them on top of the fridge! I have a cat who devours them and she got poisoned not too long ago. She's ok now.
I'll visit often. If you have a change, check out my new blog. Thanks for sharing.
Kim, I have the same "porcelain-like" ;) skin. It's the Irish in me!
I love crepe myrtles too. I had several at the old house and miss them terribly.
Hope you're feeling right as rain in no time!
Fair skinned German here myself. I say Be Pale, Be Proud!
I'll have to try your topping. I wonder if it'll work on Pillsbury rolls. ;)
I remember crape myrtle blossoms and how wonderful they smelled. Wish you could send me some as I don't get anything like that in the City.
Sorry to hear about the sun poison, it's really the pits.
I'll have to wait to make the muffins, just had a tooth pulled today and can't eat anything but mushy stuff. Yuck! Will put it in my recipe box for after I heal though. Thank you for sharing it. xxoo
Sweet cottage woman, my eyes did the same thing!! I looked like a raccoon for a while. I also love crepe myrtle but have a hard time growing it in this desert. But you've given me the incentive of trying again, lovey!! Thank you.
The recipe sounds great. I have some apples I need to use up! What a good way to do it.
I *think* the sun rash has gone away...thank goodness, too, because I still have lots of flowers to plant! Thank you for your well wishes and I hope you enjoy the recipe!
Hello there! I LOVE your arrangement of crape myrtles! I have the most beautiful red one in my yard and I have NEVER thought of using the flowers in a arrangement. Can I just cut and put in a vase?? Or do I need to do something special? Thanks so much!
Hello there! The red ones are GORGEOUS! I was just admiring a neighbor's red crape myrtle yesterday!
Yes, you can just put them in water in a vase and change the water each day. They don't last as long as flowers as the blooms are really delicate, but they are sure are pretty to look at for a couple of days!
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