My Visit with Layla Plus New Wall Color

Good morning, everyone! I'm sitting here in the dining room looking out the window and while it looks so cold and dreary outside, I've got a toasty fire going, a candle lit, music on, and it just couldn't be more perfect inside. {Well, maybe if my house were clean it could be just a little more perfect...} I'm also enjoying three - three - bouquets of roses that Mr. You Know Who gave me throughout the week. How'd I get to be so blessed? The pink roses above were the first bouquet. They are like little summer stowaways, just tagging along with Fall, refusing to be replaced by mums and marigolds.
As long as we're talking about being blessed, a few weeks ago I had the privilege of having Layla of The Lettered Cottage as a guest here for a couple of days. What a delight she is! I've known Layla for a few years now and we've met in person a few times, but this was the first time she visited Twice Remembered. I was super duper nervous because we live in a fixer and our home is certainly not 'company ready' at this point, but you know, in the grand scheme of things, it's not things but people that matter...so I just got over myself and we both had a blast! The timing could not have been more perfect because hubs was out of town AND the kiddos were visiting a relative for the week....so it was just us girls here to goof off and have fun! {In my excitement, I completely forgot to take photos but Layla wanted a few pics of my signs so we snapped the one below...and she generously let me borrow it for this blog post. Thanks, Layla!}
One thing, among myriads of things, that I appreciate about Layla is that you get what you see with her. If you've read her blog, you can feel just how sweet, compassionate, funny, and down to earth she comes across. And she is exactly the same in person... She didn't give our unfinished projects here a second thought - even though she had to sleep in my daughters' very undecorated and unremodeled shell of a bedroom... and even though I don't have curtains or any kind of window covering in much of the house...and even though it took me forever to get ready whenever we went out because before she got here, I shoved a bunch of clothes into the closet in a massive pile and couldn't find anything...and even though I threw a whole lot of junk into the already junky studio - which she got to see, along with my even junkier garage and upstairs storage space. I think it's not just any person that you could feel comfortable showing your life as it really is - with all the ugly, messy parts included. Yes, I am certainly blessed to know someone like Layla and to have the opportunity to visit with her as I have. I just love her!
When Layla was here, it won't surprise you to know that there was lots of talk about projects and decorating. I had just finished putting a new coat of paint on the walls of the kitchen and living room. If you remember, I had planned on painting Twice Remembered ALL WHITE, with the exception of the red cabinets. Ultimately, though, the rest of the family wanted some color and I decided upon a cheery blue / robin's egg blueish color. Here is a sneak peek of the shade we went with and it is called "Blanket" {CI246 by Valspar found at Lowes}. Let me tell you, this color GLOWS! No kidding! In fact, I was kind of freaking out about it for a few days because it really changes with the light. In most parts of the house I loved it but certain spots at certain times of the day, it translated to more of a minty color. By the time Layla got here, I was thinking that I was just going to have to change it. Layla and I talked and talked about it, and I even tried another similar color sample, but it was much darker than what I had in mind. I wanted BRIGHT and HAPPY! I really did love the glow afterall and now that it has been up a while, I'm so glad I didn't paint over it right away. By the way, the nook you see is by our front door and was once a tiny coat closet. We ripped it out because I wanted a little spot like this for flowers and keys. I can never find my keys, though, so having a spot for flowers at least is lovely. :)
We're still working on painting - the story of our lives - but I can't wait to show you what the blue looks like in the kitchen! Based on what you see in the photos above, what do you think? Not that it is an option anymore with my families campaign against all white walls, but if you had to choose between this color {happy, cheery, and bright} or white {soft, relaxing, subdued}, what would you have chosen?
{I love the random little chalk drawing 'Love' person in the last photo. Not sure which of my kiddos drew it, but it sure makes me smile!}
Enjoy your day...and I hope you find some time to waste today!
What a pretty color and what a fun visit!!
What a fun time "girl time" that must have been with Layla! I love your wall color, and I love your little nook too.
HI, Kim! So glad you got to visit with Layla again. What fun ya'll had I'm sure. I love your new blue, it looks very fresh & pretty to me.
Hope you are doing well. It's been a really crazy year for me and I am back in ATL. Take care!
Your day sounds delightful -- a fire, candles, music, roses! I just got in from my run and it's cccold outside! Scout abandoned me 2/3 of the way and decided to take the short cut home, across the plowed fields. (We had snow last Saturday.)
So happy you and Layla got a few days to enjoy each others company. You are both such sweet, creative souls!
I am sitting her with a grin on my face reading about your robins egg pale blue paint and how it plays in the light. Our master bath (also half white bead board and palest of blue above) looked minty to Thomas. I was going to select another shade but was delayed by another project. I'm glad I was distracted because I liken the wall to my ocean which also changes colors when the light dances on it. The rest of the walls in the Fairfield House will eventually all be white. The Twice Remembered Cottage looks charming in her new 'coat'! Looking forward to seeing photos of the kitchen.
Your Friend,
I love the blue and can't wait to see what it looks like in your kitchen! Light blue and cheerful red are a favorite color combo of mine. The nook is fantastic - what a great use of space!
Love the colour! Can't wait to see it in your kitchen.
I am sure if you ever paint (or threaten to paint) over those red cabinets there will be a revolt in blog land!
the new blue for sure! i love the 'whites'... BUT... oh my... color??? just can't seem to live without it! funny... 'cause my walls are painted close to that color... and we absolutely lOve them! soooo peaceful. ...and i have red... and white... and... thanks for sharing! lOve your red cabinets!
I love the wall color and your blog.
How fun it must have been for you and Layla to have girl time. I'm sure there are moments from your visit you will never forget, and the messes are not amongst them. Your blue paint color is beautiful. I can never, as much as I love a white palette, resist a bit of color. Your signature red cabinets are a favorite of mine. You seem to have a colorful personality, full of fun. That just has to burst forth with color, so go for it!
What a great post. I love it that you are a 'real' person!
I love the blue! So relaxing & calming & just a pretty color. =)
I love the blue!
The blue does not go well. I would choice something else. I think a nice light gray would look so much better
To quote a designer I know: "Color is very personal and subjective. There is no “wrong color”. Only what appeals to you personally."
So glad you all like the new color! I figured the children are only young once and if it makes them happy to have happy shades of color on the walls, it makes me happy, too!
Deborah, I'm glad I'm not the only one who could see 'mint' sometimes as your hubby did, but yes, so glad we both waited it out! The color IS like the ocean and ever changing! Thank you for your 'votes' everyone, and though I know it won't be a favorite shade with all folks, it is working for us;) Slirwin, gray is one of those colors that just makes me feel a little sad... even blues that are grayish. But I appreciate your thoughts!
That is a pretty color. And I have to tell you that after I showed my husband your painted cabinets, he agreed to painting ours. My colors are the opposite of yours, red walls and white cabinets. So thankful that I found your site because he was completely against painting the cabs until he saw yours.
I love the color! Glad you kept it :)
I love your blog. Just discovered it while searching for curtain pics online. I'm also remodeling an old cottage (mine is 1930) and have dithered about numerous times with paint colors. I can't decide! Anyway, I settled on lime green and orange for the kitchen with "toasted coconut" cabinets. I guess I'm going with a tropical fruit theme! LOL. Happy trails!
You just can't go wrong with any shade of blue! Can't wait to see what it looks like in the kitchen.
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